Silver Heritage (Part 5)

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After the first movie, everyone decided to take a quick break before starting the next one. Sonic not-so-subtly signalled the members of his impromptu team, leaving Silver and Blaze chatting on the couch, while Omega helped Cream make paper chains. This once again left Shadow and Amy alone, and without any more chores to accomplish, an awkward silence descended between the two, which of course, didn't last as long as Shadow hoped.

"I'm not sure what you did," Amy whispered as she took a tentative seat beside the Ultimate Lifeform, "but I'm glad you were able to put those two together. Blaze has been waiting for ages for him to ask her."

"I didn't do that much," he replied, "But I guess I'm happy to be of service."

Silence followed once again, the conversation short-lived. Amy fiddled with the hem of her dress, trying to think of something to talk about. She didn't have to worry though, as Cream bounded up to the two, her tiny arms full of multi-colored paper chains that trailed a ways behind her, where Omega idled, proudly wrapped with the remaining links.

"Look at how long we made it, Ms. Amy!" the bunny exclaimed cheerfully. The sakura hedgehog beamed.

"Wow! That's great, Cream!" she answered, adding a little extra excitement in her voice. A small blue and yellow head popped out of the pile in Cream's arms.

"Cheese, how did you get in there?"

The neutral Chao didn't bother answering. Instead, he flew out of the paper mess and landed directly on Shadow's head, not wasting a second to make himself comfortable in his black and red-striped quills. Amy couldn't help but giggle at Shadow's confused, and admittedly adorable expression. Cream gently set her craft down and clasped her hands together, unsure as to how to retrieve her renegade pet.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shadow. Cheese, get out of his quills. It's not nice to do that."

To the two females' surprise, Shadow held up a hand to stop her, "It's fine, honestly. I don't mind."

"Are you sure?" Amy asked with a tiny grin, to which he hmphed in confirmation.

"He's already asleep, and I don't want to be the one to wake him up," he replied in a low whisper. The two girls looked up to find that, indeed, the little Chao was snoring contentedly in the nest of Shadow's quills. The raven-colored hedgehog shifted to make himself a bit more comfortable on the couch, and the three resumed a much quieter conversation, Cream, to the pair's gratitude, doing most of the talking.


"Okay, so now we know for sure that Blaze isn't Shadow's mate in the future," Sonic began. Tails sighed. He was already done with this plan.

"Sonic, are you really sure we should be investigating Shadow's personal life?"

"I told you, it'll be fine! Trust me."

"Bad idea," Knuckles mumbled under his breath before turning his attention to Sonic, "If we're going to figure out who it is, then we need to do it quick. After the storm blows over, we'll be separated again."

"He's got a point, Blue," Rouge interjected, "So who's left?"

"Well, we know it can't be Cream or Blaze," Tails stated, "so that leaves just you and Amy, unless it's neither of you. It could literally be anyone."

Rouge smirked, her eyes zeroing in on what was going on in the living room, "Not just anyone, Shadow has very specific taste."

"What are you going on about, bat girl?" Knuckles demanded, a twinge of jealousy that it could be the thief in front of them rising up against his will.

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