Repairing Shadow Part 1 (Boom!ShadowAndroid)

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A/N: Just do you know this is not related to my other Shadow Android story. It was actually kinda inspired by it though. Hope you enjoy!

This story was also inspired by watching the Shadow v. Sonic fights on Sonic Boom. Every time Shadow teleported, it had an almost digital effect with the blue light.


Core damaged. Immediate repair strongly recommended.

     Shadow groaned, his body jerking and spazzing out of his control. With his core so heavily damaged, the rest of his motor functions were going literally haywire.

    His cave had collapsed while he was recharging, and a fallen stalactite had stabbed his chest, striking his core in what should have been a fatal wound had he been as organic as everyone believed. He'd only just managed to use the last of his emergency power to teleport out of the cave.

   Now he was out in the middle of the gorge, damaged and malfunctioning. And since his core was acting up, that meant his body couldn't repair itself. He was completely vulnerable, a feeling he did not get often, and it terrified him.

   He was loathed to admit it, but Shadow the Hedgehog needed help. Desperately. But where could he go?

   The human doctor was out of the question. The man may be a fangirling dolt half the time, but he knew how to take advantage of one's weakness, and him knowing Shadow's true mechanical nature would leave the hedgehog forever open to attack. Eggman could, and undoubtedly would, manipulate his coding to turn him into another one of his lackeys.

    Unfortunately, that left only one other option, but Shadow didn't doubt that Sonic's two-tailed friend would pull the same kind of manipulation as the doctor. For Shadow, this meant he'd either be the human's slave or the fox's once the truth was out.

    White sparks flew out of his exposed chest, causing Shadow to grit his teeth in pain as his left eye stopped seeing anything besides pixelated static. He had barely enough energy to teleport one more time before shutting down, and that window was rapidly closing.

   I'd rather be on the winning side, if it really comes down to it, Shadow thought. Sonic, unfortunately, had the better track record in his fight history with Dr. Eggman, and Shadow only desired the best.

Initiating teleportation sequence.

His body glowed blue and vanished in a flicker of light.

    Tails paused in welding his new machine as a harsh knock echoed through the warehouse. None of his friends knocked, and Eggman would blast in with badnik lasers blazing. He set his tools down and shuffled to the door, siding around a table full of blueprints and charts.

He jerked open the workshop door and nearly slammed it back. Shadow wavered at the entrance with most of his weight propped against the frame. Sparks flew out of his chest as exposed wires continued to output energy into the open air. All Tails could do was stare at the gaping hole in the hedgehog's chest.

"Fox," Shadow wheezed, and Tails was surprised to hear an almost robotic edge to his voice. "I need—"

He didn't get the chance to finish as he slumped over, eyes blinking shut.
A/N: Sorry it was so short, but I hope you liked it! Don't forget to leave a like and comment! I live off of your feedback! Thanks for reading!

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