Chaos Phantom (Part 1) (Sonic/Danny Phantom Crossover)

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       "You really don't have to do this, you know," Rouge said slowly as she watched her partner, and dare she say friend, adjust his inhibitor rings. Shadow tore his gaze away from the large gateway-shaped machine to the white bat's worried teal eyes.

"I'll be fine. The fox kid said it should only last about three minutes," he reassured her.

The Guardian Unit of Nations had enlisted in the help of Tails Prower to build a teleporter capable of going long distances, possibly even to the other side of the planet without much hassle, as a way to transport troops and supplies between the bases.

    If all worked well, then the machine prototype could be used by the general public within a few months. The only problem was that it needed a large amount of chaos energy to jumpstart it. And so they called upon the closest amount of chaos energy they had, special agent and Ultimate Life Form, Shadow the Hedgehog.

Rouge the Bat, however, wasn't convinced that it was a good idea, but she was willing to lay aside her worry for her partner. She knew he was strong and that he could handle himself, but that didn't stop her from being the only one concerned about him.

"If it goes even two seconds passed that, I'm pulling the plug," she stated, sending a glare towards the GUN commander for authorizing the whole project. Shadow smirked, knowing she had full intentions to carry out her word.

"Two seconds over the three minute mark, got it."

The black and red hedgehog strode purposefully up the "charging platform." Two metal pillars extended halfway up, and he placed his hands on them. They lit up an ethereal green, and the sudden drain of chaos energy tempted him to sway. He was vaguely aware of the countdown starting.

The first minute passed, and beads of sweat began to drip down the sides of his face. The gateway was beginning to take on the same sickly green glow as the pillars.

The halfway mark ticked by, and the whole platform itself shone under his feet as the machine whirred to life. The chaos drain threatened to make him pass out, and he stopped trying to see past the swirls of his distorted vision. He was partially certain he heard Rouge's voice yelling something.

Two minutes, thirty seconds, and he had slumped to his knees. He had never felt this strong of an energy loss. The light was blinding him. He was surprised he was still conscious. The sound of pulsing machinery grated on his all too sensitive ears.

Three minutes hit, and an overwhelming pain wracked his system and tore at his chest. The green light flashed white as it erupted in a final blast.


Rouge unfolded her wings from in front of her as the light died down. Her teal eyes briefly noticed how the teleporter fizzled and slowly hummed down. The experiment was a failure. She then looked to the platform her partner had been on, and she released a shriek of surprise.

Shadow was gone.

"Where is he?" she breathed, immediately flying up to the platform to see if he had just simply fallen off of it. To her undying dread, he wasn't anywhere near it. In fact, he wasn't near the area at all.

The scientist in charge of handling the equipment gawked at the scene for several minutes before he began to furiously type out the results of the test. The answer was shocking.

"Sir," he said slowly, "We've lost Agent Shadow."

"Don't you think I know that!" Commander Towers snapped, "We must find him immediately."

"No, sir," the man reiterated, "You don't understand. The amount of energy required to power the teleporter and the amount released when it backfired...There's no way he could have survived."

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