Brother, Dear Brother (Sequel to Foreboding Memory)

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Third Person POV

     Sonic ran, easily keeping up with the stranger in front of him. He had to admit though, this guy was fast, possibly as fast as Shadow, if not more so. Who was he kidding? The black and red hedgehog was the fastest thing on earth, after himself, of course. Now if only he could find a way to take this new guy out? 

     The mystery figure finally stopped, standing on top of a car in the center of a hastily evacuated intersection. All of the roads were empty. Since the city was the unofficial battle ground in most cases like these, the people learned how to get out of the way quickly. The blue hero felt a small sense of dejavu, as the thief casually tossed said jewel in his left hand, not unlike a certain Ultimate Lifeform did several years back. Speaking of whom...

    Sonic's eyes widened when he could finally make out who he was looking at. The figure was almost identical to Shadow, with the same quill-style, body build, and futuristic footwear. He was a dark gray, a lighter shade versus Shadow's ebony fur, and where his rival had red stripes, his were a light shade of green. His chest fur was also black instead of white, and his eyes were a bright golden yellow. His inhibitor rings, the same gold as Shadow's, included small spikes jutting out like a dog collar, and a small, claw-shaped scar could be seen from his lower lip to his right jaw. Sonic saw way too many similarities between the person in front of him and his rival to think it was coincide.

    The mystery hedgehog grinned and tossed the yellow Chaos Emerald in the air once more, not even looking as it fell back into his gloved hand. 

      "This planet certainly is entertaining," he said at last, his voice holding a sadistic edge to it, "It's a pity, really, to have to destroy it. Then again, that is all part of the fun!" he laughed to himself. 

     "Who are you!? And why do you look like Shadow?" Sonic demanded. The other frowned before it became a twisted grin.

    "So...the little runt is here. Wonderful! As for who I am...I am Helios the Hedgehog, the Ultimate Lifeform!" 

    "Psh, yeah right," Sonic dismissed, causing the other to quirk an eyebrow, "Hate to break it to ya, bud, but we've already got an Ultimate Lifeform, and he doesn't take too kindly to people stealing his title. So you can just hand me over the Chaos Emerald, and I won't tell, got it?"

     Helios growled. How dare he take away his birthright! He was supposed to be the Ultimate Lifeform! Not his pathetic excuse for a--.

       "Faker!" a voice called as a third figure entered the scene. Shadow stopped short, however, as his eyes met the ones that had robbed him of sleep, and for a brief moment, Helios saw a flicker of fear in those crimson eyes before it was buried. The smoke-colored hedgehog smirked. He would see that fear again. He had missed that look. 

    "Sonic," he repeated, "Get out of here. This isn't your fight this time."

    The azure blur's eyes nearly doubled. His dark counterpart only said his real name when he was dead serious, no questions asked. Helios nimbly hopped off of the car and strolled over to the agent before stopping less than a yard away from him. Sonic noted that he was a few inches taller than Shadow. He watched in confusion as the two stared each other down, before Helios busted out laughing, catching the other two off guard. 

    "Oh, I did tell you. You didn't think I would miss out on seeing you, after all these years?"

     "You're supposed to be dead," Shadow growled, trying to keep his chaotic emotions in check. 

     "A small exaggeration, to be sure," he replied, "I can see you haven't told anyone about me. That's better than I had dared to hope. Now no will be prepared for our strike!" he said, more to himself than anyone else, and turned to walk away, "Come on, Shadow, let's go."

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