Daddy's Little Girl

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Disclaimer: I don't own people or images

Shadow paced the waiting room for the hundredth in the last hour, his mind spinning so fast it would put Sonic to shame. He couldn't think straight, his thoughts only on the woman he adored in the delivery room. He was supposed to be with her, he promised he would never leave her side. But those good for nothing doctors wouldn't let him pass. If not for his wife's reassuring smile, he would have charged through all of them to get to her.

The entire team was there. Not just Team Dark, but EVERYBODY. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Rouge, Omega, Cream and Cheese, Vanilla, the Chaotix, even Silver and Blaze had come back from the future to be here! Even some of the Freedom Fighters from the Acorn Kingdom came. Eggman had sent a message using Bokkun's tv mail to congratulate him. Even though they were enemies, Shadow always considered himself a Robotnik, and the mad scientist was the last of his kin. So for once, they laid aside their differences and acted like family.

There was a scream, and Shadow bolted to the door. But a nurse stopped him and laid a calming hand on his shoulder. She was a brown tabby wearing blue scrubs.

"Don't worry, sir, your wife is fine. It's all perfectly normal. She is safe, and you will get to see her soon."

It's normal for a woman to be in such pain?! he thought and looked longingly towards her room down the hall. The nurse noticed his concern and motioned for him to step away. Sonic walked up to them and gently steered his former rival away from the door.

"You heard her, Shads. Everything's gonna be okay. I'm sure she's fine."

Rouge looked over to her fiance Knuckles and whispered, "Shadow's never been like this. Ever."

The echidna squeezed her hand, "She's really changed him. I'm happy for them."

She laid her head on his shoulder, "Me too. They were made for each other, once they figured it out."

Knuckles smiled, "Yeah. Sonic really knows how to play matchmaker. And I can only guess you had a hand in it too."

Rouge lifted her head to smirk knowingly, "Honey, I was elbow deep in it."

Shadow continued pacing the crowded space, ignoring their reassuring words and encouraging looks. He couldn't take it much longer; he needed to be with his rose. She needed him at her side, helping her through it. She shouldn't have to face this alone.

There was another scream, and his head snapped up, facing the door. He was contemplating whether he should try to make another dash for it, when the head doctor walked in with a broad smile. The bear's large green eyes landed on Shadow.

"Shadow the Hedgehog?" he asked. He nodded, his ruby eyes full of concern. Why is he smiling when she is hurting so much? The doctor's smile grew, if that was possible, "Congratulations! Your wife and the baby are both well and resting now. Would you like to--"

He didn't have a chance to finish his question, as Shadow skated past him and into his wife's room. The bear scratched his head, while the large band of heroes laughed. They decided to give the couple a few minutes before barging in.

Shadow gently opened the door and walked inside. Amy was lying in a hospital bed holding something wrapped in a white blanket. She was tired, but he couldn't miss the radiant joy beaming from her. She looked up at him and saw the fear that was in his eyes before it washed away into relief. It must have tortured him, waiting outside. He was protective enough without the extra worry, and she doubted that her yells and his good hearing had helped anything. He slowly walked over to her and bent down to give her a quick kiss on her forehead. She smiled and turned the bundle toward him. He gasped, and Amy giggled.

"Do you want to hold her?"

He looked back at her nervously, "What if I drop her?"

"You'll be fine. I know you won't," she said and handed him the precious bundle, "Just be sure to hold her head."

He did as she instructed and looked down at the child in his arms. His child. She was a slightly darker shade of pink than Amy, and her quills curved around her face. She had black streaks identical to Shadow's red ones, and she had a black bang the refused to stay out her face. And he thought she had the cutest little black nose in the world. She opened her tiny eyelids to reveal a pair of sky blue eyes. Where she had gotten the blue from was beyond him, but Shadow loved them anyways. She looked up at her father, and he held her closer with the proudest smile ever. She reached up and wrapped her chubby fingers around his nose. His eyes closed half way and he nuzzled her gently, producing a small giggle. Amy smiled.

"I told the nurse that I wouldn't name her until you came," she explained. Shadow looked up at her, his hold never slipping.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" he asked patiently. Amy shook her head.

"I thought I would let you do the honors."

He stared back down at his daughter, the most precious being in the universe to him. He studied her features, trying to think of the perfect name for his perfect girl. She was his, and his alone.

"Aurora. Aurora Rose the Hedgehog."

"It's perfect," Amy sighed, and her husband gave the baby back to her. He sat on the edge of the bed and wrapped one arm around her, his eyes never leaving his sleeping daughter's face. A new feeling stirred inside of him. Yes, he loved his Rose with his whole heart, but Aurora.... He would do anything for her to be happy. To protect, love, cherish, and teach her. It was a frightening thought--being a father--but he could face it. He could do anything with his wife's hand in his and his daughter's smile.

"She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he whispered, and Amy leaned her head into his shoulder. The two new parents smiled and purred quietly to each other.

"Congratulations, Daddy," his bride whispered in his ear. He smiled and felt pride swell inside his chest.

"I like the sound of that, Mommy," he purred back. He noticed she had fallen asleep on him, and carefully took Aurora in his arms. The two most beautiful women were his, and he felt like he was the luckiest man in the universe. How could something so stunning possibly be mine? I didn't think I could ever be this happy.

She was his little princess, and that was how it was going to stay. Forever...

Thx 4 reading! Please tell me what you think, and don't forget 2 heart, follow, and review plus whatever else, Idk. And don't forget to check out some of my other stories starring Shadow the Ultimate Lifeform. Well, it looks like now he's the Ultimate Dad! ;D

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