A Rose in Need (Sequel to New Form, New Habits)

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A few minutes later, the kitchen was covered with food. Tails had even been roped into the food fight when the two hedgehogs double-teamed him. Sonic was slouched on the floor with his head resting on a table leg, and Tails was lying on the countertop, his orange fur smeared blue and red in places. Shadow was perched on the rim of the flower vase in the center of table with his energy still running high. His wings folded upward and a prankster's grin plastered on his face, an expression they were still trying to get used to seeing.

"That was fun, actually," he panted slightly, "Who's up for round two?"

Tails moaned dramatically, and Sonic answered, "Maybe later. You know, you're the first person to ever outlast me in a food fight."

"Suit yourself," the hyperactive pixie replied and stretched his tiny limbs above his head. It was strange that only earlier that day he had been complaining about that faker being too active, and now it almost seemed as if their energies had swapped places.

A door swung open violently. It's sheer force was enough to knock Shadow into the flower vase. He grumbled some unsavory phrases under his breath about stuffing blue idiots into hollow trees and struggled to climb out. However, the inside was too slippery for him to climb with his hands and feet, and there wasn't enough room for him to use his new appendages properly.

"Stupid wings," he complained. He was soon stuck at the bottom of the vase, his wings becoming soaked and heavy. A feminine voice echoed around him that he immediately recognized.

"Amy," Sonic whined, "I don't think now's a good time. Maybe come back later?"

"When you aren't covered in food?" she replied sarcastically. Shadow heard faker laugh nervously and smirked.

"Sonikkun, I'm not here to ask you on any sort of date today," she continued, to everyone's surprise, "But since I know that you've traveled a lot of places, I was wondering if you knew any good flower shops around? My garden needs a little freshening up."

For a weird reason Shadow couldn't explain, his attention was snagged by the words "flower" and "garden." Oh no, no, no. Stay. Focused. Don't let it control you, he thought desperately.

"Uh....," Sonic thought for a minute and shook his head sadly, "Sorry, Ames, when I run, I don't usually take notice of flower shops and stuff. Wish I could be more help."

Garden..needs...help. Is it...dying? No! Must remain...in..control, Shadow fought within himself, and he was suddenly grateful that he couldn't climb out of the vase. He didn't want anyone else to know about his condition, especially Amy. He gripped his head and tried to stay focused, not realising that the flowers inside the vase had grown a little bit more and their colors were a tad brighter. After a few seconds, the strange sensation ended, and he felt a little more like himself. Luckily, no one noticed the flowers yet.

"Well," Amy sighed before regaining her normally happy attitude, "Thanks anyway. I'll find something. But if you do happen to find one, let me know."

Sonic gave her his signature thumbs and wink, "Sure thing! I'll be on the lookout on my next run."

"Oh, thank you, Sonikku!" she squealed and gave him a bone-crushing hug.

"Ames, can't..breathe!" he gasped and gulped for air when she let him go.

"Oops, sorry," she giggled nervously. He forgave her easily, and she offered to stay and help clean up.

"Nah, we got it. We made it, we clean it. Right, Tails?"

"Sure thing, Sonic!" he replied cheerfully. Even IF Shadow caused most of it, he thought grudgingly.

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