Captured (Sequel to Nightlight)

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Third Person POV

Shadow woke up the next morning at sunrise, and for the first few moments, he thought it had all been a wild dream. But then he saw that he had slept on a windowsill and grimaced.

He climbed out of the wooden makeshift canoe and stretched his body and wings. His hosts were still asleep, so he took it upon himself to find breakfast. With a couple of wake-up flicks, he was airborne. It would take time for him to get used to the buzzing sound directly behind his ear.

He took a few seconds to steady himself before flying out of the room and into the kitchen. On the counter, he saw a bowl of different fruits and tore off part of a strawberry and ate some of his brownie from yesterday.

The smell of morning dew from outside caught his attention, and he decided that could work for a drink. With a quick glance around him, he flew out the open window and landed on the lawn. Careful not to wet his extra limbs, he cupped a water droplet in his hands. But he nearly dropped it when it kept its form. Shadow, with a hint of indifference, shrugged and sucked in the morning dew, refreshed.

It was a clear summer morning with a slight breeze, and he decided that he could spare an hour or so for a quick flight through the woods. Sunlight filtered in through the canopy and reflected off his wings in a dazzling display. For once in his life, Shadow was content. He even practiced a couple of loops, somersaults, and cartwheels. After a couple of minutes, he came across a small brook, although compared to him it looked more like a raging torrent. He found a tree branch that grew over it and thought it a good place for a quick rest. He carefully alighted on the limb, and his wings fluttered lazily. It was a relaxing dawn, and he leaned against a knot with his hands folded behind his head and one leg crossed over the other, his pair of crystal membrane folded neatly and in a comfortable position that took a few moments to find.

But his recreation was suddeonly interrupted by the sound of machinery above him. He grumbled something about fat idiots, as he recognized the strange ship that looked thousands of times larger than normal, from his point of view. He clenched his fists and stood, wings agitatingly flapping a couple of times.

"Of course the doctor's around. I never saw him as a morning person though," he said to himself with sarcasm. With a few swift wingbeats, he took off into the forest.

With Dr. Eggman

"Hmm..," the mad scientist pondered. Orbot looked up at his master, knowing that he was thinking about something important.

"What is it, Dr. Eggman?"

"That strange energy signature is moving again. I have to find out what it is."

He started to follow the strange blimp on his tracker in his personal egg-mobile. Orbot and Cubot stayed behind in the egg-carrier for when he should return.

With Shadow

The dark pixie looked behind him to see the doctor trailing after him and scowled. Now he was certain the dictator was chasing him.

"How did he find out? No one else knows except for faker and Tails. Unless... he doesn't. I can't let him catch me."

Shadow zoomed in between trees and branches, using his skates for an extra boost. But he noticed that he was considerably slower than he was yesterday. He growled. I must be losing more speed the longer I'm trapped in this form. He heard Eggman chuckle.

"Whatever you are, you may be fast, but I've been fighting Sonic the blasted hedgehog for years! You are no match for me!" he declared. Shadow's heart sank. I may not be as fast as I once was, but that doesn't mean that's my only way out of this mess.

He flew higher into the canopy, in between the tangled mess of leaves and twigs as fast as he could maneuver. But the human's machine simply plowed through it. Shadow's wings beat harder in desperation. He's getting closer! I have to think something. He could catch me, and I can't let him see me like this. His form glowed like it did when he restored Amy's garden to the point where he was a ball of light. It reminded him of when he would go Super. He was able to fly a little bit faster, but not near what he needed to be. If I can just get back to Sonic's. Then I would have a better chance.

A bullet-proof glass capsule came out of the bottom of Eggman's egg-mobile. Shadow risked looking over his shoulder and gasped at how close it was. He took a sharp right and dived before he continued to zig-zag between the tree trunks, hoping to buy more time. He suddenly felt himself being scooped inside the capsule.

"NO!" he yelled and punched the container, only to get a bruised knuckle. The capsule was lifted up so its maker could see what was inside. Shadow was grateful that he was disguised by the light emitting from himself.

"Ho ho ho! Gotcha! Thought you could outsmart the great Dr. Eggman, eh? Think again!"

Shadow hit the glass as hard as he could. Not even a crack. That's when he realized. Pixies can't break through glass. The mad genius chuckled darkly.

"Feisty thing, aren't you? It will do you no good, I can assure you. This little baby can withstand even a Chaos blast from that Ultimate traitor, Shadow. You are powerless!"

Frustrated at the doctor and himself beyond reason, he flew in all directions, smashing himself against the capsule when he came in contact with it. He couldn't think clearly anymore and only knew that he needed out. Eggman covered his ears from the loud, high-pitched notes that echoed angrily in his ears.

"Loud thing too," he scowled and moved a joystick like device on his console to shake the container. The pounding and ringing stopped suddenly, and the little ball of light settled on the bottom of the glass, apparently stunned.

"I will find out what you are," he vowed, "And you will soon become the new source of power for my plan to finally defeat those pesky freedom fighters."

Eggman could've sworn he saw the light dim for a second. He stored it safely in a specially made compartment. With an evil and victorious laugh, he flew back to his base to start on his new experiment.

Shadow sighed and pressed his hands against the glass of his prison. Faker. For once in a million lifetimes, I need your help. Please....Hurry.

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