16. "This is why you were my target."

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She held the door opened, as I entered, careful not to hit Raine's limp figure in the process. I laid her down on my now broken bed, feeling the weight lifting off my arms, the ache in my body making itself suddenly overwhelming. Autumn closed the door, slowly sitting herself down on my chair, wincing slightly, and I could tell she was trying to mask it all.

" Does it still hurt?" I questioned, taking cautious steps towards her.

" I'm fine." She said, the way she always did.

" Yeah, you always are, aren't you?"

" Harry, honestly, drop your shit act, it won't work on me."

" Who said it's an act?"

" How stupid do you think I am?"

" If I'm being honest, extremely."

" Well, I'm not. Just because you act like you give a fuck, doesn't mean it'll make me open up to you and spill out my shit, doesn't make me any better of a person, and it certainly doesn't make us buddies. We're enemies, Harry, and you need to keep that in mind, or it'll cost you everything you've ever fought for."

Her speech was interrupted by a gasp, escaping her lips, as I bent down, unlocking the handcuff injuring her wrist. I then rose, walking towards a cupboard which held some medical supplies, retrieving a disinfectant, bandages, and a towel. I could feel her intense eyes following me, but I chose to look past that, giving it my all, to not meet her gaze, as I knelt down, taking her hand in mine, and running the wet towel over her fresh scars. She didn't react whatsoever, staring blankly at me, and I wondered how much pain she was able to endure, without showing the least signs of discomfort. I could feel her heartbeat beneath my touch, speeding, before returning to its normal pace, almost too quickly to be noticed. I bandaged her wrist, taking the towel and walking into the bathroom, to wash the blood away. She stared down on her hands, fiddling with her fingers, before releasing a breath she had been holding in for so long.

" Why are you doing this?"

" Doing what?"

" I am your enemy, Harry-"

" Yeah, you said that already." I almost angrily threw the towel into the sink, forcing my eyes to meet her own.

" But I'm your enemy as well, and so is she, and you treat her like she matters. You went out there, knowing that you could easily escape, but you chose to make sure she's safe instead. You came back here, with me, without putting up a fight, when you know you could have had us all killed by now. You're trying, so fucking hard, to convince me that you're pure evil, but you don't fool me, Autumn. You're actually good. Somewhere, deep, deep, down, under all of this shit you had to live through, there is a little girl, searching for someone to notice her, save her, from what she's destined to become. You think I'm putting on an act? Well, so are you, and I'm not falling for it."

With that, I took the towel back into my hands, furiously washing away the blood stains, until I felt a tender hand, falling onto my shoulder. My body tensed, a wave of electricity flooding through me, before I slowly tilted my head to the side, seeing her eyes already on mine. They fell to my lips, shying away a second later.

" This is why you were my target, Harry." Her voice was lowered, saturated with something that I couldn't quite pinpoint.

" I don't get it."

" You're good. You're better than all of us, and that's something they can't afford to have. They want to kill all that is good, pure, and human about this world, because only then, will they be able to tame us all, mold us into whatever they need us to be. They can't have anyone threatening their existence, Harry. And you- you're just so, good, selfless, and caring. And that's something they'll never be able to have, nor understand. So, they have to destroy it- destroy you."

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