"Harry was shot."

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We were having a get together around camp; a celebration for children who'd finished all levels of training, and were now allowed to go out into battle if needed. They would be accounted for as soldiers - if that was the path they chose to follow - and they would be added to the list for rounds and surveillance shifts and so on. They were turning from trainees to active members of this camp. One of the lead students and probably the one I cared for the most was Raine. She was eighteen years old now, and she was turning into a woman more resilient, smart, and accomplished than anything I would have imagined for her.

Harry and Marianne were somewhere out there. Marianne was probably with the younger kids who were about to start taking classes, since she'd just turned three last month. For the few years since she was born, Harry and I spent every minute of every day trying to better this world for her, make it somewhere we could trust to let her take part in. As far away from the world we grew up in as possible. He worked on this new schooling system himself, Louis and Liam helped him bring the vision to life, and now kids were able to learn about things more than just weaponry and fighting styles.

I was at the clinic, collecting the last tray of food we'd put in the fridge, when I heard a sound that I hadn't heard for so long, I'd forgotten it could still strip people of everything they got. I saw the crowd dispersing; some throwing themselves to the ground to avoid getting shot, others simply running away, trying to find a place to hide, outrun the fate they'd assumed they'd left behind. I looked at Wendy, as if making sure she was seeing this too. She looked like someone who was watching the world end all over again. I let the tray of food fall away, pushing my way through the crowd, running in the opposite direction of everyone else.

My eyes were searching, something out of control and desperate drowning me out. It'd been so long since I'd considered the possibility of losing everyone I cared about, and I was naïve enough to think I wouldn't have to anymore. I thought I'd done my fair share of losing, I'd lost all I possibly could and more. But now, as the sound of shots fired carried in the air, I couldn't help but feel the familiar fear taking me over.

" Mommy!" I skidded to a halt, eyes frantic until they found Marianne, hiding with Liam behind one of the storage buildings.

" Oh my God, baby, are you okay? Huh? Let me get a good look at you." I fell to my knees, hands immediately touching every visible part of my daughter, landing on her paling face, wiping away the terrified tears sliding against her face.

" She's okay, Autumn. We both are. I got to her on time." When I heard Liam's voice, I lifted to my feet, circling an arm around his neck and pulling him in, with my other hand rested against Marianne's shoulder.

" Thank God. What happened? Did you see Harry or the rest of them? Do you know if Raine was there?"

" I don't really know, I just heard shots and looked for Marianne right away. I saw Harry earlier, he was with Niall, but I don't know where they are now. I need to get back out there but I can't just leave Marianne."

" No, don't. Take her some place safe, I have to find Harry, make sure he's okay then I'll come find you." Liam nodded, sighed. I patted his cheek reassuringly, tried to offer something like a smile, before turning to leave.

" No, mom, please don't. You can't leave me!" I fell small hands tightening around my wrist, a face buried right into my stomach. I put my hands through my daughter's hair, leaned down to kiss her on top of her head.

" It's okay, lovey, uncle Li is going to stay with you. I will just get your dad and come right back, okay? Everything is okay, don't worry, baby. Mommy loves you so much, I will never let anything happen to you, you know that, right?" Her head moved into an instant nod, as she lifted her head away from my stomach, and looked up at me with those perfectly green eyes.

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