17. "You're going soft."

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Louis had been mostly quiet, occasionally looking at me, laughing to himself, before looking out the window again. It was quite irritating, but it was better than him actually talking, God knows that could be endless. I focused my attention on the road ahead, desperately attempting not to think of those colorful, bright, eyes, clouding my mind. It was odd, how someone who was supposed to feel so little, could easily make me feel so much.

I wasn't one to fall easily. Actually, I wasn't one to fall, at all. I didn't know if this could even be considered falling. I just liked having her around. I liked watching her catch herself before saying too much, or before revealing too much emotion. I liked how irritated she usually seemed. I liked how content she was around Raine. I liked her secrecy, almost as much as I liked her honesty. I didn't understand her, not even close, and I liked that. She intrigued me, and the more I knew about her, the less enough it felt. I wanted to know more.

" Thinking about her again, are we?" Louis' face was all of a sudden barely inches away from my own, as I stirred the car to the extreme right, almost crashing us into the woods, before regaining control.

" Jesus, Louis, sit the fuck down, you'll get us killed!" He was back in his seat, holding onto the door for dear life, his eyes widened in horror.

" Holy fuck, my life flashed before my eyes." He said, his hands moving over his body to make sure everything was how it was supposed to be.

" Serves you right, you, nosy, over-dramatic, irritating, son of a bitch." I gritted out in response.

" Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today."

" No, actually, someone hasn't gotten any sleep today at all, or yesterday, or probably tomorrow."

" Thinking about your girl for too long, huh? Or were you two doing the dirty, all night?" He wiggled his eyebrows, sitting so that his back was to the door. I hit the brakes suddenly, causing him to hit his side, and his head into the front shield.

" Dammit, Harry, that hurt."

" Too bad you're still conscious." He huffed, sitting in his seat properly, putting on his seat-belt, before looking at me again.

" Okay, all jokes aside, what's going on with you?"

" Here we go again." I rolled my eyes, wanting nothing more than for this trip to end, and for us to be back home, as far away from one another as humanly possible.

" No, Harry, but like, I hate to say this, but you're going soft."

" How the fuck am I going soft?"

" Well, for one, you didn't kill her."

" I don't kill unjustifiably, Louis."

" Yes, but you don't stop us from killing our most wanted enemy."

" We can use her."

" No, we can't. You and I both know she'll never say anything. She wants this, Harry, so what the hell is stopping us from giving this girl her death wish?"

" So, we kill all those who want to die? Come on, Louis, that's bullshit. None of us really want to be here, hell, if I had the choice, I would have gone away a long time ago. It doesn't work that way. You stay, until your time is up, and then you go."

" What if her time is up then?"

" She's still here, isn't she?" "

" No, but what if her time is up, and you're the one who's keeping her around? What if she's destined to die now, and you're the one standing in death's way?"

" Well, destiny can shove it, because she's staying."

" But why?"

" Because I'm not going to kill her, Louis!"

" Why not?"

" Because she didn't do anything to hurt us."

" She was about to kill you, and she will, if you don't kill her first."

" No, she won't."

" Yes, she will, Harry. I know you like to believe in the goodness in people, but some people just don't have it in them. Some people are all bad, they have seen nothing good, so they can't possibly have anything good in them. Sucks for them, but that's life."

" She isn't one of those people."

" Yeah, right. Harry, she is the fucking leader of those people. She makes them, grooms them to be just that. She wants to turn us into those people."

" You don't know shit about her, Louis."

" Oh and you do? What the fuck is wrong with you, Harry? Does she have you under some kind of spill that you can't see what's right in front of you?"

" That's enough, Louis."

" Fuck it all to hell, Harry, but are you too fucking blind to see that she's using you? This might as well be part of her plan to kill you, then destroy us all, and you're too whipped to notice!"

" I said that's enough!" I boomed, my voice filling the small space in the car. Louis stared at me, wanting to challenge me, but not stupid enough to actually do it. He settled back into his chair, huffing, crossing his arms over his chest.

The rest of the drive was silent. Louis never directed another word towards me, and I was too consumed by my conflicting thoughts, to notice anything outside my own head. I hated how little he thought of her. I hated how ignorant and stubborn he felt the need to be. But most of all, I hated how I felt the undying urge to defend her, even when she had almost given me no reason to.

Once we reached the storage houses, I hid the car behind the line of trees, taking my gun in hand, my backpack on my shoulders, before putting my knife in my boots. I opened the door, waiting for Louis to follow, but he never did.

" Are you not coming?" I asked, receiving a mere shrug, while his eyes remained anywhere but on mine.

" Fine, suit yourself." With that, I walked into the storage house, which was guarded by at least four guards.

These storage houses belonged to the bureaucrats, where they kept all their supplies. They had a building for every category of goods; from food, to drinks, to cigarettes, to books, all the way to medication. I waited till the guard in front of the door walked away, before making a quiet entrance. Two more men were inside, as I collected the things on Rick's list. I was careful with the glass medicine bottles, as I put them into my backpack, along with as many bandages as I could gather.

" Put this shit down, turn around slowly, and don't even think about making any moves or you die."


A/N: hope you like this, next chapter is one of my favorites, so comment lots and lots to get it asap :)

ily x

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