26. "Do you trust me?"

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I had kissed her goodbye, after an hour or so of continuous, heated kissing. She'd laugh into my mouth, and I'd laugh into hers. And my mouth with her mouth would become one. Time would pass and we wouldn't know, because we were so infinitely sunk into one another, and nothing else mattered.

I had taken a shower, pulling her in with me, before she ran out, chose an outfit for me to change into, while I wrapped myself around her, kissing her bare skin, and savoring those kisses for when I had to leave. I had put on a sleeveless black, shirt, along with my worn out jeans. I had put a bandana over my head, which of course, received a smartass comment from her side, before I walked out, going on my usual rounds, an inevitable smile never leaving my lips. There was something about her, which I couldn't quite name, or explain, or even begin to understand, but with her, the world seemed to matter a little less, the weight didn't seem as heavy, and I was alive.

As I approached Zayn's office, his eyes caught mine, walking towards me, with his hands behind his back, followed by Louis and Niall.

" What are you so happy about? Our worst enemy and most valuable prisoner had somehow escaped, which means, bureaucrats will be here any day now to kill us all, which means, we're doomed!"

" She didn't escape." I nonchalantly responded, crossing my arms against my chest.

" Excuse me?"

" She didn't escape, Zayn. She's in my room." He took a challenging step towards me, his face inches away from my own, his eyes darkening in fury.

" You want to try this again?"

" Autumn is in my room. I took her out of the dungeon." I said, my voice firm, determined, my gaze as intimidating as Zayn's. Zayn literally bit down on his lips to contain his anger, as he took a few steps backwards, running a nervous hand through his hair.

" Harry, do you realize what you're doing here?"

" I do."

" That makes it even worse. She is the enemy, and you're willingly letting her into our lives. I can't have you putting all of our lives on the line, just for a fling, or an immature crush." My eyes moved between his fuming figure, and Louis', who was simply nodding along in the background.

" Do you trust me?"

" Harry, that's not the po-"

" Do you fucking trust me, Zayn?" I roared.

" With my life, you know that."

" Then you'll trust me on this too. I'd never put anyone or anything before your lives, Zayn. You should know that by now."

" I know, Harry, but-"

" No, Zayn. That's enough. I'll finish my rounds now." And I walked past him, ignoring Louis' and Niall's bewildered stares. I was slightly irritated by how little they all thought of me, but I knew what I was doing. I trusted her, against all common sense, I did.

" Harry!" I continued to walk, recognizing the source of that sound, and knowing that whoever it was, would be persistent enough to follow. And as expected, Raine was immediately in front of me, skipping slightly to keep up with my pace, her back facing the road.

" That's rude. You should stop when someone calls for you."

" Why stop when you're going to annoyingly follow anyway?" She pulled her best thinking expression, before shrugging nonchalantly.

" Yeah, good point. Anyway, did you hear about the costume party that your mum is organizing?"

" The annual costume party that I never go to? Yeah, I heard about it."

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