2. "The reason we're at war is because of you."

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" I can't believe this hot chick is actually after you, you lucky bastard." Louis commented, throwing himself onto my bed.

" Oh yeah, lucky me." I replied, annoyed by Louis' always careless behavior, as I continued to scan the room for my bandana. I had a decent room for myself, it wasn't as luxurious as Zayn's, who was considered to be a tad bit more picky than I was, but it wasn't as bad as all the places I had to live in back in the day. So, for that, I was grateful. I'd take anything that could be remotely considered a home.

" I have no idea how you'll handle this though, I mean, this girl has a reputation, Harry, she isn't an easy one, at all."

" I can handle her." I shrugged nonchalantly, because honestly, I was certain I had seen worse.

" No, but you can't, she's vicious. Even Zayn is worried about this one. After all, you're one of his best men, and he can't afford to lose you, especially, not to the bureaucrats' b-word."

" Dammit, Louis, either put yourself to use, or shut the fuck up, I can't find my bandana, and we need to get to work." And immediately, Louis was handing the bandana to me, because apparently, he had been twirling it over his finger all along, completely ignoring my very abrupt search. I almost beat the crap out of him for this one, but what was the use? He'd always do it again. My hair was becoming a bit too long, but I honestly couldn't care less. As long as it didn't interfere with the work needed to be done, I was okay with it. We both collected our shoes, before heading towards the combat arena, where we were supposed to give orders to our soldiers, and train the new comers. Zayn was already waiting for us, as always, as the three of us stood in front of the hundreds of soldiers.

" Listen, soldiers, we are to train like we have never trained before. The bureaucrats are planning an attack, and we are to be prepared to defend ourselves, or if needed, attack."

" So, you mean, another war?" A small voice burst through the crowd, causing us three, to exchange irritated looks, before redirecting our attention to the soldiers.

" If we have to, we are not to cower away." The soldiers erupted into objections, as I took my gun out, shooting twice, to the sky, in order to silence them. If the chaotics did one thing brilliantly; they did chaos. And I didn't do chaos very well.

" We are not here to discuss this, these are your orders, and you are to follow them. If you have an objection, you can leave. The streets are wide enough to take as many homeless failures as you can offer them."

" So those who don't listen to you, are considered to be failures?"

" Yes. If you fail as a soldier, then you're useless."

" Then what makes you so different from the bureaucrats?"  

I was suddenly infuriated as I shot my gun again. No one was allowed to destruct all my beliefs and thoughts. I had to believe that I was doing the right thing, or else, I would be the first one leaving it all behind and walking away to cold, dirty, streets again.

" Show your fucking self, now." I ordered, my raged eyes scanning the large crowd for the source of the sound, but no one stepped up.

" That's what I thought. If you think you can disturb the peace, and stir the system, then you're fucking wrong. I will not allow anyone to ridicule us, not now, not when we're at war."

" The reason we're at war is because of you anyway." And then appeared a blue eyed man, with a bit of an accent to his voice. He didn't look familiar to me, so I turned to Zayn and Louis in question, receiving unknowing shrugs, to confirm their ignorance as well my own.

" Who are you?" Zayn stepped in, fearing that I would reveal more information than they needed to know.

" I'm a soldier, like all of those innocent men and women, that you are willing to sacrifice to save his ass."

" Hey, listen here, you son of a bitch, you have no right talking to us in that manner, and we won't allow it. If you think you know what's in the people's best interest, then you tell us what to fucking do, because the way we see it, it's either we fight, or we die, no alternatives." Zayn roared, his eyes firmly holding the soldier's eyes, to prove his point. He knew that man was no soldier of ours, he was probably a spy, but Zayn seemed determined to deliver a certain message. I stood at the background, his words echoing through my head.

Was I indeed endangering our whole army, to save my own self?

Was it even worth it?

Sure, I was raised to survive at all costs, but for how long could I pretend that it was acceptable, to sacrifice anyone but my own self?

" We're fighting for our own survival, and Styles is part of that. If he falls, then he is the first among many. By protecting him, we're protecting us all. We were chosen to lead for a reason. We know what we should do, and we know how to do it. There will be no further discussion about any of this, and those who believe in this man's words, can follow him, because he's officially prohibited from ever stepping foot into our territory. If he's seen here again, he is to be treated as an intruder, nothing more. Am I making myself clear here?" Zayn's challenging eyes scanned the silent faces in front of us, before he gave a single dismissive nod. With that, Zayn turned around, walking back to his office, with Louis shortly following behind, while I stood there, contemplating all I had ever believed in and fought for.


A/N: Hey guys, so here's your chapter, what do you think so far? It gets better, don't worry :)

comment and vote please!

ily x

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