7. "I am Harry Styles."

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I walked amongst the large crowd of triumphed soldiers, my body almost disappearing between all the others. They gave me pats of encouragement, of congratulations even, their eyes burning with something horrible, evil. She was their prey now, but her eyes held no emotion whatsoever. They were void, numb, just as they had described them to be. She held herself with confidence, bravery, self-destruction, almost, and it was true. All I had heard of her, was true. I could tell now, she was as victorious as they had been. She wanted to die, almost as much as they had wanted her dead. I finally stood in front of her, as they pushed her to her knees, handcuffing her feet and hands, and even her neck. They feared her, and she found pleasure in that. Her lips formed into a mischievous smirk, as she stared upon the soldiers who fought for the honor of murdering the one and only Autumn Griffin. She slowly brought her eyes to mine, and my God, were they beautiful. If they weren't so silent, shut off, and discrete, they would have told a million and one stories. Her smile widened, but it was bitter, intimidating, almost as if she had set a trap for us, and we had walked straight into it. Perhaps, we had.  

" There you are." She mouthed, her tongue enunciating every word. I tilted my head to the side, seeing Louis' petrified features, before tilting my head to the other side, to meet Zayn's firm gaze. They must have seen it too. It wasn't all in my head.

" She's playing mind games. Don't fall for that. She can't do anything to any of us anymore." Zayn leaned in, whispering into my ears, but somehow, his words weren't half as convincing nor as comforting as he had hoped they would be. I nodded nevertheless. One of the soldiers slapped her across the face, causing her head to be thrown to the right aggressively. She remained on that angle for what felt like a long while, but probably was a few seconds, before she brought her gaze back to meet me.

" You're going to pay for this." She mouthed, a chill running down my spine at her ruthless promise.

" Holy fuck," I turned to see Niall's rushing coming to a halt at the scenery ahead of him.

" It's actually her." He breathed, his skin paling of all color.

Another hand was preparing to make contact with her face, when I felt an undying urge to protect her.

" That's enough." I ordered, my voice demanding, firm, as I lifted my eyes from hers, and into the soldier's, who nodded, retrieving his hand away from her.

" Take her into the dungeon, but keep her chained." I demanded, turning away from the overwhelming sight, as four soldiers carried her in, leaving the rest of us to celebrate. Zayn followed after her, in fear of losing his most precious possession, while Louis and Niall stood beside me, analyzing my state of mind.

" She doesn't seem scared to me." Louis commented.

" If anything, she looks... victorious." Niall finished, his voice small, restrained by his terror.

" Zayn will do the questioning?" Louis asked, turning to face me.

" No, I will."

" Harry, I know you want to take care of this yourself, but I can't help but feel like you should let us handle this one. This is too personal, and far too big for you to handle on your own. You saw her, she's vicious, she'll break you."

" I'll be fine."

" But, Harry,"

" Louis, I said, I'll be fine. This is my mess, and I'll be the one who cleans it up." Louis eventually nodded, releasing a long sigh.

" Everyone, back to your rooms. I don't want to see anyone here when they have no reason to be." I roared, all celebrations subsiding, as the soldiers received their orders. They began to scatter around, while Niall, Louis, and I all walked back to the dungeon.

" He can't come with us." I made an abrupt stop, causing them to bump into my back.

" What, me?" Niall questioned, as I nodded, bringing my gaze to Louis'.

" Fine, I'll take him to his room, and let someone keep an eye on him." Louis said.

" You. You watch him."

" What? You don't want me with you?"

" I'll send someone for you if I do."

" Well, take care of yourself, and if you feel her under your skin, get out of there, Harry, I mean it." He laid both hands onto my shoulders, his eyes firm, fearful. I nodded, offering a small smile. They both walked away, as I continued to find my way to the basement. The truth was, I didn't want anyone intruding on my private moment with the enemy. I wanted it to be secretive, discrete, intimate, even, because once I had walked into that chamber, it was either I walked out damaged, or she did. And that was something no one was allowed to witness.

I walked into the dungeon, and Zayn was right behind her, his face almost brushing against hers, his lips whispering into her ears, words of threat, I was certain. Her face remained expressionless though, which of course, frustrated Zayn, as he kicked her chair, her body limply making contact with the ground, before he lifted her up again, repeating the previous process.

" Zayn," I laid a hand onto his shoulder, feeling him slowly returning to his normal, sane, self.

" Leave her to me." I half demanded, half pleaded. He eyed me skeptically, before giving me a slow nod, walking out of the interrogation chamber. I was certain he was close though, keeping a consistent eye on us, ready to pounce at any minute.

" Okay," I breathed to myself, shaking my hands to rid them of all nerves, before bringing my eyes to hers.

" I am Harry Styles." I introduced, my arms behind my back, as I stood my ground.

" I know who you are."

" And who am I?"

" My next victim."


A/N: dan dan daaaaan :D

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thank you for 400 reads, ily x

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