8. "Do you hate yourself for it?"

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His piercing, green, eyes, widened slightly, but he was quick to recompose himself. I had to admit, he was easier on the eyes than I had thought he'd be. His long hair was held back by a bandana, that he repeatedly fixed, a nervous habit, probably. All his features were firm, unmistakable. But his eyes, they were as revealing, as they were silent. They were so loud, yet, so incredibly quiet. He was his own question mark, one that I wished I had it in me, to dig deeper into, but there was nothing left to feel anything past the will to kill.

" The way I see it, you're the one who's captured, not me."

" And that, would explain why you're easily my next target."

" Care to share?"

" Not really, no."

Every time I spoke, I could have sworn he had this look of shock upon his features, almost as if my voice caught him by surprise?

" Too bad you don't have a choice." He shrugged nonchalantly, a sly smirk curving his lips.

A beautiful, sly, smirk at that.

" What are you going to do, Harry? Kill me?"

" Possibly."

" You underestimate me. I don't appreciate that."

" Oh? You expected me to be intimidated by the stories? I don't believe shit I haven't witnessed myself, love."

What the fuck?

What kind of interrogation was that?

He was suddenly inches away from me, his hands resting onto my chair, his nose, and mine, almost brushing.

" Oh you'll witness it, Styles, I promise you. You just won't be there to tell the stories. Too bad." I pulled my lips into a deceiving pout, and I watched, as his eyes fell upon them, before meeting my own again.

" You cut your hair." He noted, brushing my hair slightly.

" You should do the same. Or, I can do it for you." I brought my voice lower, saturating it with intimidation, as my eyes followed his adam's apple, rising, and falling again.

" You don't faze me, Autumn."

" Oh yeah? Then why is your heart racing right now? Why are your eyeballs expanding? Why are you sweating, heated, in need of a cold shower? Why is your hand trembling, Harry? Why is air running out of your lungs? Hmm?" He shamefully brought his eyes to mine, revealing the darker shade taking over them now. The corners of my mouth curved upwards, as I batted my eyelashes suggestively.

" Right. I don't faze you at all." I nodded, resting back into my chair. He looked down, for a moment or two, his chest heaving with fastened breaths, before his fierce eyes rose again, his hands hitting against my chair.

" Tell me what you fucking want from me, right now, Autumn!" He roared, and I had to admit, his rage was an instant turn on, giving him a more dangerous edge.

" Come closer," I demanded.

" I am not playing your games anymore."

" Oh you've been playing all along? I didn't know, you're such a lousy player, though. I bet if your papa was around, he would have been much, much better at this. Or even your friend from earlier, what's his name, again? Zack? Zedd?"

" That's enough." He roared, fisting the chair again, and I could tell, it took everything within him, to not beat the crap out of me.

" What, don't like being compared to them? Do they belittle you, Harry? Or did your old man take you to a dark room and do things to you?"

" What, like your own pathetic excuse of a father?"

" Oh, was that an attempt to get under my skin, the way I am now under yours? You thought I'll lose my shit, the way you are now? You should do a bit more research about your enemies, Harry, honestly, I am disappointed." He shrugged, pulling away, but his body language screamed in rage.

" Fine, I'll tell you what I know and correct me if I'm wrong. You're 20 years old, you have one twin brother. You and your dad think you have the right to kill whomever, if they interfere with the world as you know it. Your daddy, does horrible, horrible things to you, and that's why you're such a fuck up. Oh, and you're the reason your mummy is dead."

And I didn't know what exactly was it, but something inside me ached.

I didn't like it one bit.

This made me vulnerable.

And I was never vulnerable.

He must have sensed the shift in the atmosphere, because his smirk widened, before he brought his eyes to mine.

" Ah, there it is. You're all tough and heartless, except when it comes to mummy, right, Autumn? Do you have nightmares at night with memories of her murder? Do you wake up screaming and crying for her? Do you watch kids playing with their moms, and envy them? Are you angry at yourself for failing her? At your dad and brother for not being around? Is that why you so easily give yourself away, because you couldn't save her, so you think you don't deserve to be saved as well? Tell me, Autumn, do you hate yourself for it?" I gritted on my teeth, so hard that I thought they might break, chewing on the inside of my cheeks, attempting to take my loathing out, as I challengingly met his firm gaze. I could tell he thought he was close to breaking me, he thought he had me.

Too bad he didn't.

" Why, do you?"

And he screamed in my face, before his hand slapped my face aggressively.

This one actually hurt, but he wasn't allowed to see that.

Not that he was allowed time to, because he immediately walked away, almost as if burdened by his outburst.

He was odd, that Harry, nothing like anything I had ever encountered before.

It was almost as if he... he cared?


A/N: thank you for 500 reads, ily x

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