28. "I think I owe you an apology."

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It was the day of the costume party. I was awaken by Raine's consistent knocking, before she yelled at me to get ready, and go pick her up from her own home, because I was the man and I had to do it right and have proper manners. She then flipped her hair and walked away, leaving me wanting to both kill and hug her.

I had to repeat my pleading conversation for the doubtful Autumn, before she finally surrendered, taking some clothes from my own drawer and walking into the bathroom. Once I heard the shower running, I retrieved my own outfit, which was a mere drunken bet against Louis, that I of course lost, leading to me wearing the chosen outfit. I barely managed to squeeze into my too-tight golden shorts, and that was when the sound of the water stopped. I rushed to fix my hair, taking the last items of accessory to finish the outfit off, before posing in front of the bathroom door. Minutes later, Autumn came out, wearing my grey shirt, that was so long that it almost reached her knees, and was so incredibly big for her. She even had on my black jeans, and before I could comment, she was pulling a bandana over her short hair.

" Hi, I am Harry Styles. I am a fucking giant, with longass fingers, and I think haircuts are too mainstream." She attempted to thicken her voice, as she crossed her arms over her chest. I shook my head in laughter.

" What, the fuck, are you wearing?" She then asked, eyeing my outfit.

" It was Louis' idea, okay? I think these shorts are his size too, because Jesus Christ, I can feel my balls turning blue."

She blinked twice, before bending down in laughter. She hit her hand against her knee, gasping for air, and it would have been obnoxious, if it wasn't so endearing.

" Oh God, this is fucking brilliant." She choked between her continuous laughter, wiping at her eyes.

" How come I got stuck with the porn-y outfit and you got stuck with the decent outfit?"

" Oh come on, Harry, everybody knows I wear the pants." She shrugged, walking towards me, and pecking my lips, giggling weakly into my mouth, before pulling away.

" Lets hope your date is into the girly vibe, or else, you'll be in trouble." She joked, walking past me, and towards the door. I grabbed my foam gloves, with an eye roll.

" My lady." She said, opening the door for me, and bowing down slightly.

" Oh fuck off." I hissed, probably not as irritated as I should have been.

" I'm on the roll tonight!" She proudly exclaimed, as we found our way to Raine's house. The streets weren't as busy as they normally were, probably because everyone was already at the party. Occasionally, she'd fall into another fit of laughter, apologizing later on, but never really meaning it. I found myself focusing less on the awaiting embarrassment, and more on the joy detectable in her eyes. I was the reason behind that. Somehow, unintentionally, I managed to make her laugh, and I couldn't stop the sense of accomplishment from settling in. I found Raine standing in front of her home, wearing combat trousers that literally swept the ground, a black shirt tugged into them, and chunky combat boots that were at least four sizes too big. Her hair was still braided since Autumn did it for her, and her face was covered in black ink.

" You've got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed, as Autumn threw her head backwards in laughter, clapping her hands at the irony of the situation. The sound caught Raine's attention, as she rushed towards us, punching me in the stomach.

" You're late. And what on earth are you wearing? Are you supposed to be some porn star or something?"

" Aren't you supposed to be a princess or a ballerina or I don't know, a girly girl?!"

" Then what will that leave for you to be?" She raised a cocky eyebrow, receiving a high five from Autumn, who was still unable to stop laughing.

" Alright, smartass, lets go." I playfully hit her head, as she and Autumn began their bickering, mostly ridiculing me.

Louis was definitely going to pay for this. Once the yard in front of mum's room came into view, Raine ran ahead of us, while Autumn nervously intertwined our hands. I gave hers a slight squeeze, as we made our way through the crowd. Mum was standing with Louis and Niall, her back towards us. As soon as Louis laid eyes on us, he burst into laughter, pointing a finger towards me to explain the reasoning behind his outburst to the small audience around him. Mum and Niall's attention were redirected towards me, as they both revealed a reaction much similar to Louis'.

" I didn't think you'd actually do it, oh dear God, this is priceless!" Louis exclaimed, putting a hand to his chest. I rolled my eyes, attempting to pull mum into a hug.

" Oh baby, try not to talk about me so much today, being your mother isn't something I'm proud of right now." She joked, receiving a "Go Mrs. Styles!" from Louis and Niall, before she walked away, blowing an air kiss towards me.

" Griffin." Louis greeted dryly, to which she nodded, with a formal smile.

" I'll go get Zayn, he needs to see this!" Niall announced, rushing away from where we stood.

" Shit, I need to make a run for it now! I'll go get us some drinks, cover for me." I whispered into Autumn's ears, pecking the side of her head, before running in the direction opposite to Niall's.


Louis and I stood alone, our bodies swaying along with the music, but neither of us initiating a conversation. I had to remember to cuss Harry out for leaving me like this.

" He's something that Harry." I had to check twice to confirm that he was indeed talking to me, without even having to.

" Yeah, he sure is." And that was when my eyes found him in the distance, shaking his head at the laughing Malik.

" I... I think I owe you an apology."

" Huh?" I willed my eyes to meet Louis' blue ones.

" I am not one to judge people without knowing them, but for some reason, I was so fast to throw you under the bus. It wasn't nice of me, I did a lot of shit, and I'm sorry. But seeing him here, today... it's just- it's been years since I've seen him like that. Probably since his father passed and he had to take care of all of this shit. He didn't laugh, he barely smiled, it was like... he lived for this, and then not at all. But now, I can see it. He's regaining his old self, and even though none of us could help him with that, you somehow did. I absolutely hate to admit this, but you did. So thank you, and I'm sorry for being a dick." I blankly stared at him, for a minute or two too long, while his eyes focused on Harry, smiling at his frustrated friend.

" Doesn't mean I will go soft or anything, don't even dream of bringing this emotional shit up again, it's a one-time thing." Louis' lips curved into a smirk, as he pointed an accusing finger towards me.

" Got it. I'm not really into this shit either, so you're good." Louis nodded at that, chuckling slightly, before turning his gaze away from me. I imitated him, but brushed our shoulders together in gratitude. He must have understood, because his laughter intensified, as he shook his head to himself.

Harry's eyes met my own among the large crowd, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion at our sudden happiness, before a dimpled smile took over his features. And I found myself, falling for his ridiculous-self, with the space buns, the too-tight shorts, and the tattoos.


A/N: here's a cute chapter for you awesome people, double povs and all.

watch out for the next one though ;)

thank you so much for 7.5k reads!

ps: I attached a picture of their outfits in the media section, hope it helps with imagining how it looked haha

ily x

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