Not again.

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I couldn't remember what it was about. Was it spending too much apart? Doing something wrong? Having too tight of a grip over her? Speaking of things that were meant to be buried away? Was it her being irritable, or me, being agitating? Was it her or was it me or was it something else completely? It all blurred into yells and screams and slamming doors, and I just wanted it to end. I just wanted her to not be mad at me. I just wanted to get to go home to her, and hold her, instead of feeling nauseous at the mere thought of having to carry on with this later.

The heat was almost overwhelming, as I stood between workers, moving supplies from this month's shipment into storage. I had to keep track of inventory today; see what we needed, what we now had, and what we'd have to get for ourselves before the next shipment.

" Hey, Harry, did Autumn ever find you?" Niall questioned, patting my back, before going to help the workers.

" Why, was she looking for me?"

" Yeah, she's been asking around. Said she didn't know which shift you had today. You should probably go find her." Niall carried two boxes of bandages into the storage room for medical supplies, giving me time to think his words through, before he resurfaced again. The truth was; I wasn't mad, I didn't think. I just really didn't feel like fighting with her again. And I was far too stubborn to let it go either.

" She probably just wants to continue fighting. I'll look for her later or something."

" Are you sure? I can take over here, if you'd like." Distress was seeping through my bones. I felt heavy. It was ridiculous, it was a stupid fight, but I just hated fighting with her. She pushed all my buttons and I pushed hers and sometimes, it just blew up for no reason.

" No, no. It's okay. I want to work." I checked the medical supplies off the list, moving onto foods and beverages. Niall was silent as we both worked, moving boxes, setting them up so that nothing would get spoiled or broken.

" You know, you can just go see her. It'd save you a whole lot of worrying and stressing."

" Fighting with her isn't any less stressful, trust me. At least now I don't know if she wants me for something good or bad. Speculation is better than knowing when it comes to this."

" Do you... ever regret it?" I stopped mid-bending to put a box down, lifting my eyes to meet Niall's, who seemed to be busying himself.

" What? Like, regret her?"

" Yeah, I guess. I mean, you're always so miserable no matter how little the fight is, and it makes me wonder, if you sometimes think it isn't worth it. Wish you hadn't gotten this involved."

" No, fuck no." I didn't need to think about it. It was the easiest thing in the world; loving her. And no matter how hard everything else got, that would always be easy, and simple, and natural. She'd always be the best thing that had ever happened to me.

" Of course she's worth it. She always would be. I've never been this... happy, Niall. And yeah, we'd have our bad moments and she'd frustrate me to no end but still, this is Autumn, I wouldn't trade her for the world. I'd rather spend the rest of my life fighting with her, than live a damn day without her. She's it for me. Always has been, always will be." A grin took over Niall's features, before he nodded enthusiastically. I couldn't help but laugh.

" What's that all about?"

" It's just nice to hear. Nice to know that you think that." He carried too many boxes, walking into the storage room. I followed, feeling a bit lighter than I had earlier.

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