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Hello !! Guess who is back? It's mee yooohooo!! It's been years right?😅 I am sorry but things didn't go as I planned! But seriously thanks for immense love and support. I couldn't believe that there are so many readers still waiting for my story and honestly I was so suprised to see so many supportive messages.

As you know it's been years- I couldn't get the plot of my own story 🤣 so I don't know if this make any sense so here is the rest of the story which is half from my draft and half I wrote recently!

Jin slowly woke up from his dream. The same usual dream which made his heart ache in pain. In his dream he saw Jungkook. The same kid whom he once loved , hated and also whom he kille*

Jin didn't notice his eyes were filled with tears from the dream. With watery eyes he went to shower. He washed his face and came to room and picked up any dress he can find from the closet. He then got ready and went out.

He was walking down the street,his one hand on pocket. His heart feeling empty, he put his other hand on the chest, "only if you were here Jungkook",he painfully smiled

"Jin?",Jin was brought back by the voice of Yoongi

"Oh hi",Jin waved when he saw Yoongi coming from front

"Are you alright?",Yoongi noticed sadness on Jin's eyes but honestly every day it's always the same. After Jungkook was no longer in this world, Jin was literally lost. Jin didn't say much but Yoongi could always notice emptiness that Jin was feeling.

"Yes,why?",Jin smiled making Yoongi sure that he wasn't sad or anything else

"No,Just!",Yoongi couldn't say much and they both headed to the station. After they reach there Jin stopped and turned to yoongi

"Have a great day Mr.Min Yoongi",Jin bowed down smiling

"Jin? Are you sure this is alright for you?",Yoongi looked at him raising his brows

"What do you mean? It's been years since I left this job. Why can't I be alright?",Jin said still smiling

"But .. it was the thing you liked the most Jin. Like you said it's been years.. why can't you just come back? Like.. I mean head department still wants to have you back since you were the most dedicated police officer here and about your age it isn't that old for the retirement.. like really please give a second thought.."

"Yoongi",Jin said in a serious tone

"I have told you already and will tell you once again.. I have no thoughts. No thoughts on becoming police officer again"

"Is it because of that mafia kid?",Yoongi made Jin freeze

"I.. I don't want to remember..please.. I am.. I am sorry I gotta go",Jin hurriedly ran away making Yoongi to regret what he just said. Jin ran as fast he could, after reaching certain place he became tired then he stopped.

He was so tired and was breathing heavily,panting for air he sat down on the nearby bench. After he became stable he started to think about many years back. Those painful memory he wanted gone, those things he never wanted to do, everything flashed back as of today.

"Is this really an end?", Jin slowly closed his eyes thinking he would die now but then suddenly he heard loud voice calling him

"HYUNG?",It was Jungkook. With his blurry vision he saw Jungkook running towards him, his one hand was holding a gun but he didn't care much, he just wanted to hold that kid so much. He was tired and hurt, and he just wanted to go home.

"WHAT THE HELL YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?",Jungkook pulled his so called father away from Jin

"And what the hell you think You are doing?",he said pointing gun towards Jungkook

"Stop",Jin instantly came in his right mind when he saw gun on Jungkook

"We didnt agree on this. You said you wouldn't hurt anyone I love. What the hell are trying to do now?",Jungkook said also pointing his gun towards that man

"What are you guys doing",Jin was confused

"Fuck off! It's all because of this guy",Now the man pointed the gun on Jin

"Hell old man. Don't even think of that",Jungkook pushed the man making him fall on the ground. He then came and untied Jin's hands and legs. Jin was free but when he was just about to question Jungkook,he heard some people coming towards the hall

"Cops.. shit",Jungkook growled

"Yes cops! It might be Yoongi. Now we are safe Jungkook",Jin smiled holding Jungkook's hand but Jungkook just gave him pale look

And When Jungkook was finally about to say something,Jungkook felt a sharp thing passing by his shoulder towards Jin.

"Ouch",Jin was able to dodge that knife but only with small cut on his cheek.

"Fuck I told you to stop",Jungkook was now on his limit. The psycho inside him came back when he saw cut on Jin's cheeks. His eyes became dark and Jin knew what was coming

"Stop..kook..",Jin was just trying to stop but Jungkook already went to the man and started to punch him

"I told you not to hurt him..",punch
"I fucking told you",another punch

The man was just growling in pain. At that time Jin then saw Yoongi and his teams coming inside.
"Yoongi",Jin saw Yoongi running towards him

"We need to stop them",Jin said pointing towards Jungkook beating the man nearly killing him

"Oh yes they will",Yoongi said pointing towards the gun man who was just about to shoot Jungkook

"The hell you think you are doing?",Jin grabbed the gun stopping his team mate
"He is innocent.. that man behind.. he is the one who tried to kill me. You should aim him not that kid",Jin said pointing towards the man

"Jin..",Yoongi tapped his shoulder


"He is the guy .. the guy you been looking for.. the boss.. the boss of RB company(lol I forgot the company of Jk's name sorry)*

Jin eyes opened wide. He couldn't believe what he just heard.. the one whom he hated the most.. the one whom he promised to kill himself was right in front of him the whole time and fucking he also loved him with his whole heart. He felt like his whole world collapsed, he couldn't think much but when he heard his teammate loading a gun he came back to his mind

"We should kill him. It's an order",Yoongi said pushing Jin to the side because he was covering Jungkook from front

When man came forward and was just about to shoot Jungkook from back,Jin suddenly grabbed the gun from him again

"I will do it",Jin said almost in whisper

Jin then  slowly raised his gun towards Jungkook,his hands aiming towards The sAme old kid he loved. His hand started shaking when he saw Jungkook leaving the man and slowly standing up facing towards Him

He saw Jungkook's eyes directly, his hands covered with blood. He saw Jungkook as if he became some object- no feelings, no pain, no emotion, he felt as if Jungkook was feeling was nothing. His eyes were dark and scary but with no emotion. Then Jin realized.. everything was connected, everything became clear.. everything Jungkook did became more visible ...

"I am sorry",Jin closed his eyes with last drop of tear flowing down on his cheek and then bang...

After that all the things left were sirens, reporters, cops and Jin with the lifeless body of Jungkook

Hello,hope you liked it.. hmmm.. i just wanted to ask if you guys want the ending like this or  Should I write some more ?? So one more chapter or not?? 😛

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