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Jungkook growled in frustation moving around time and again waiting for Jin. Jungkook didnt gave up on calling Jin on his phone even though it already reached upto 100 misscalls, but still there were no any signs of Jin making Jungkook frustate already.

"You dont know what you are bringing yourself to hyung",Jungkook threw away his phone on the couch and pulling his own hair instead, not knowing what to do with himself.

Jin had just ignored him for a week already. He started ignoring him after their handjob incident. Jungkook tried to explain everything but Jin didnt even tried to listen to him properly. Ignoring Jungkook was the best option for Jin without knowing  Jungkook was very near to show up his real self to him.

Coming home late, acting like stranger, not picking up the call, sleeping seperately, Jin was doing almost every thing that Jungkook hated the most making him to brust out in anger any sooner.

Jungkook was just angrily walking back and forth he heard someone open the door.

"Fuck do you know the fucking time?",Jungkook growled when Jin wasnt even inside completely, only at his door.

"Shut up. I can do whatever I like",Jin came shakingly nearly falling down. But Jungkook was fast to run over him in which Jin's head fell on Jungkook's chest instead.

"Woah. So you were somewhere drinking your ass out while here I was  waiting for you like crazy ",Jungkook grabbed him by his arms making him stand straight.

"Jungkook-ah...why ..why did you do that to me? Huh? Why? Why it happened to make things between us so uncomfortable.?Just by looking at you...even now I feel so disgusted just by looking at you. No I'm not disgusted by you but with myself. Whenever I look at you it just reminds me of that day. It reminds me of thing I did that I shouldnt have  done. Also with you??, why it has to be you?",Jin said in drunk voice looking at Jungkook who was just glaring at him so deadly

"So you mean you dont like it cause It was me? What if it was other than me hyung? And Why the fuck it cant be me? "

"Not you. It can never be you",Jin pushed him off, trying to leave from there but Jungkook was fast to stop him by his arms turning him back once again 

Jin was little scared when he saw Jungkook burning in rage as soon as he looked up to meet his eyes.

"The fuck did you say? 8 years ...8 fucking years I did everything to make you mine and at the end what the fuck did you just say? ",Jungkook shouted roughly making Jin to go back step by step in fear with Jungkook taking his steps forwards too, glaring down Jin. Jin went back until his back hit the wall, with Jungkook hovering around no way to escape once again.

"Wh..what did I say? Well I said fact. It can never be you. Also I can do whatever the fuck I want, I dont need your permission to do things,I can go everywhere I want, do whatever I want, get drunk, go wild and kiss the hell out of a girl", Jin screamed closing his eyes tight not knowing what the hell he just did.

Jin closed his mouth fast realizing how he just got himself into a trouble as now Jungkook suddenly slammed his hands above on the wall, on the either side of his head as soon as Jin mistakely talked about his doings.

"Wh...what did you just say? Come again?",Jungkook was now different suddenly,his stare very intense, also very dark. His voice so low making Jin more scared than he already was. And now when Jungkook was grinning instead of how angry he was a moment ago.

"I..I mean..I didnt mean that..I mean I can do whatever I like...it has nothing to do...

"Jungkook...?",Jin jumped on his feet when Jungkook suddenly hit his own hands on the wall when not even Jin was finished explaining.

"Stop.....",he hit his hand again on the wall above Jin's head. His hand forming a fist and blood dripping already

"Sluttering...", Jin again jumped on his feets feeling afraid when Jungkook again banged his fist on the wall so hard

"Jungkook-ah..it was...I didnt want to...listen to me first..",Jin tried to hold his arms but now Jungkook was uncontrollable.

"I said stop sluttering",Jungkook banged his hands on the wall again and again like a crazy man, screaming "stop sluttering", time and again as he continously hits his fist on the wall making Jin terrified just by looking at him like a mad man.

"Please stop",Jin cries and begs now gaining much courage to grab by his arms. For a time being Jungkook stops now staring at Jin blankly.

"Blood..let me treat your hand first Jungkook",Jin said as Jungkook's blood dripped on his face.

"So, tell me hyung how does it feel to kiss a girl? ",Jungkook suddenly asked Jin making Jin to leave his arms and stare at him speechlessly

"Come on tell me",Jungkook came more near to him leaning now, his lips nearly touching Jin's lips. Jin heartbeats accelerated as Jungkook kept his lips only 1cm away from his.

"Did you let her come this close?",Jungkook voice was really chilling giving Jin goosebumps all over his body not knowing what to say 

"Say it. Tell me every details you did with her hyung",Jungkook spoke in a low tone breathing all over Jin's lips making Jin nearly pass out as he was holding his breathings so bad.

"Jungkook...I..",Jin somewhat gained courage to speak, clenching his fist tight, closing his eyes,not able to control his breathings anymore.

And then finally Jungkook pull back a little gaining a large sigh from Jin. Jungkook then holded his chin instead with his finger making Jin to look at him in his eyes straight who was just avoiding them from beginning,"Come on tell me everything hyung. "

"Then only I can get to decide whether I should rip her lips apart or  just tear her whole body apart"

"What?",Jin legs trembled as Jungkook kept him firm by his chin, his eyes and lips trembling too in fear.

"Tell me everything later. From starting point to the end. For now just get the punishment for yourself too",Jungkook suddenly crashed his lips on Jin's making Jin to open his eyes wide open in shock.

The kiss wasnt gentle like before, he kissed him so fucking rough, his body all pressing over him. Jin pushed him from his chest but he was way too strong to even fight back. Finally Jin decided to give up, kissing him back. The kiss became more intense with their temperature rising up.

Jungkook pulled out afterwards leaving Jin panting for air already as he looks Jungkook with his teary eyes.

"Did she make you feel this good?huh hyung?",Jungkook said licking his ears

"Noo..",Jin replied still trembling

"Remember you're mine"

" And now I cant guarantee what will happen next for what you did",Jungkook suddenly pulled Jin from his waist gaining a small whimper from him.

"You mean the girl or me?"

"Both",Jungkook grin before carrying Jin on the bed and throwing him there. Jin tried to run away as soon as he landed on the bed but Jungkook just handcuffed him already and tied him within the bed.

"Yaah that's mine",Jin panicked when Jungkook just used his handcuff on him which he always had for his duty

"Now see what happens to you next",Jungkook said climbing above Jin and rubbing his thighs on Jin's crotch making Jin to close his eyes tight giving some little squeaks.

"Everything has its limit hyung, so does my patience"

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