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"Are you sure? But I already set up breakfast for us. Cant you just eat and go atleast? You are going back so suddenly when you said earlier that you will be for a whole day here, also sleep here for tonight", Taehyung narrowed his eyebrows when Jin was suddenly talking about going back.

"I'm sorry Tae something came up. Hyung needs to go",Jin faked smile at him and turned to see Jungkook's reaction who was standing right behind him. Jungkook smiled at him while Jin rolled his eyes at him again turning back to Taehyung.

"Alright then",Taehyung glared at Jungkook too as he knew that he must have done something to persuade Jin knowing about his evil character

" by the way wear them",Taehyung said bringing a pair of slippers from the drawer and placing it at the floor near Jin's feets.

"Thankyou tae",Jin was just about to wear them, someone kicked the slippers making them to fly somewhere in the room.

"What...what the fuck Jungkook?",Jin shouted at Jungkook who just kicked Taehyung's slippers

"You dont have to wear his. ",Jungkook said glaring angrily at Taehyung who was now staring at him speechlessly

"What's your problem now? I just cant understand",Jin was frustated as he shouts to Jungkook

"Here wear mine",Jungkook ignored him shout and opened his shoes before crouching down while making Jin to wear them forcefully.

"Seriously?",Jin laughed in amusement.

"What kind of stupid things will you do more than this?",Jin said putting on his shoes.

"Sorry Tae. I apologize instead for his rude behaviour"

"Huh?",Taehyung just zoned out for a moment just by staring at Jungkook that he didnt realize that Jin was apologizing to him.

"Auh its ok hyung. ",Taehyung faked smiled at him before they drive away from his house.

"Jeon Jungkook what the hell are you trying to do?",Taehyung ran his hand over his hair in frustation as soon as they left

Jin walked fast as soon as they reached their apartment but it didnt work at all since Jungkook was walking behind him with the same speed following him till they got inside. Jin's heartbeat was beating like crazy just by thinking that he already promised Jungkook to give a handjob.

"What the fuck was I thinking when i promised that?",Jin was already going to die inside yet he acted calm and just tried to run inside their room without looking back for Jungkook for  once

Jin walked for some distance and there Jungkook stopped him,growling making Jin to jump on his feet a little

"Where the hell are you trying to run?"

Jin turned to see Jungkook already on the couch spreading his legs farthest as he can to show his erection as much as he could.

"What?",Jin gave him a nasty look for which Jungkook just grin rubbing his own thighs and gesturing Jin to come and do his job

" come on do it",Jungkook smirked

Jin angrily came towards Jungkook banging his legs on floor and glared Jungkook who was just sitting on the couch spreading his legs.

"Do You really want me to touch your private parts?",Jin raised his eyebrows at him.

"Well you can give me a blowjob instead if you want",Jungkook winked making Jin to go back a little in suprise

"Seriously Jungkook why are you doing this to me?",Jin was just in a verge of arguing but Jungkook was fast to stop him, standing up, keeping his both hands on his shoulder and applying pressure on it so that he can get on his knees.

"Later...lets argue later",Jungkook again sat on the couch keeping Jin in between his thighs

Jin blushed as Jungkook stared him down. Asking with his eyes to touch him.

"Al..alright then..",Jin hesitantly put his hands on his belt to unbuckle it. Jungkook was just staring at his pretty hands doing all the job.

Jin was fast to remove his belt but couldnt proceed any further. He was shy, more than that he was not use to it.

"Come on you can do it",Jungkook encouraged him making Jin to blush even hard

"Why dont you just do your own job yourself?",Jin made his faces as he unzipped his tight pants.

Jin eyes went wide open when he saw his errection. Just by looking above his boxers he knew Jungkook was hard already. Jin shakingly slipped his hand inside his boxer, he wasnt just sure whether to garb his dick or not.

Just by that Jungkook holded his hand and made him to hold his dick loosely. And wow Jin nearly fainted for how big he was. He can imagine how big he was just by not looking at his dick.

Jin was a red mess already as he slowly made his dick outside his boxer.

"Oh my",Jin was fast to close his opened mouth with his other hand as he was hella suprised when he saw Jungkook's big dick already hard and errected.

"Big isnt it?",Jungkook grin making Jin speechless. 

"Do it properly hyungie",Jungkook holded by his hand again and made him to jerk him off, up and down.

Jin was suprised and confused that he was really doing it. Also with the guy who is like 10 years younger than him. What the fuck was happening he didnt know but ofcourse he felt Jungkook's hard cock on his hold as he jerks him off.

He saw Jungkook closing his eyes and groaning huskily. Jin didnt want to say but it was hella sexy, his voice was really sexy and the face he is making right now, Jin just thought it was hot.

Jin loved his face right now so he speeded his hand, up and down, up and down, faster than before gaining Jungkook's moans.

"Wow you really know how to do it baby",Jungkook was near to throw  but Jin was just teasing him in between by slowing down

"Fuck..baby dont tease me if You dont want it to be inside your mouth instead",Jungkook growled

"Its near",Jin felt his member getting even harder and sticky fluid coming out for which he speed up knowing he was near to it. And at the end Jungkook just came all over his hand groaning at the end so sexily.

Jin then finally realized what the hell just happened. He stared at his sticky hand that just did some dirty thing that he wanted to throw up right there just by realizing what mistake he did right now. It was so wrong, he just wanted to puke right there.

"You did well",Jungkook holded his hand before placing it to his thighs and grabbing some tissue papers. He then cleaned Jin's dirty hand,while Jin just stared saying nothing. Ofcourse he was ashamed of himself.

Jungkook then stood up and threw away his tissue papers on bin while Jin remained on his knees still, also he had nothing to say

"Oh by the way",Jungkook spoke making Jin to look up at him

"I wanted to say you something that time but didnt get a chance"


"That it was my first time too"

"What?",Jin was confused

"Kiss. It was my first kiss too",Jungkook smiled before coming near to Jin, bending down to give a soft quick kiss on his lips. It also made a sound and Jin just remained there dumbfounded for the rest of the day

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