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Jin got up slowly from his bed. He winced back and collapsed on the bed once again because of the sharp pain he just got.

"Aish..",Jin whimpered as he felt like his ass being teared apart. He looked around for help but Jungkook wasnt there so he just pulled himself up once again whining in  pain.

Jin's face got red suddenly when he just remembered everything about yesterday. Jungkook just made him cum for 4 times for least. He fucked him him in every possible position even though he didnt have any complains regarding it since he really enjoyed everything.

Jin then shakingly came out from his bed and noticed he was wearing Jungkook's t-shirt which covered him upto his knees. He didnt mind wearing anything inside and just walked outside of the room 

Once Jin was out he saw Jungkook on the living room, treating his wounds himself. Jin wanted to come help him but he just couldnt cause he was feeling too embarassed and shy

Jin silently turned his ass to run away but Jungkook just catched him red handed.

"Goodmorning hyung"

"Aaah..",Jin screamed a little when he jumped on his feets before turning back

"Ah...goodmorning",Jin smiled nervously

"Did you sleep well? Are you hurt anywhere? Seeing you stand while walking fine just made me sure that you're completely fine", Jungkook grinned and Jin was sure his dick just twitched in his erotic tone

"No...I'm..It pains a lot.."

"I know. It was your first time even though I was a monster.",Jungkook said standing up and coming near to Jin

Jin panicked and tried to run away but Jungkook came fast grabbing him by his arms before carrying him on his shoulder and bringing him on the sofa.

"Jungkook...I..",Jin tried to run away as soon as Jungkook landed him on the couch

"Relax",Jungkook pushed him down from his shoulder

"I..I cant take it..it hurts..please no more",Jin requested with a pout.

Jungkook just giggled before crouching down and cupping his cheeks

"What were you thinking? I'll not do it here. Atleast I can wait till your ass gets fully recover and be ready for me once again.",Jungkook smiled at him while cupping his cheeks

"Alright..",Jin took a long breath in relief.

"But that doesnt mean that I cant do other things with you",Jungkook grinned once again before leaning for a short kiss.

"I can kiss you anytime, everywhere",Jungkook stood up patting his hair.

"By the way Jungkook are you ok? I mean this time wounds are really serious... What actually happened yesterday by the way? And how did you find out about Taehyung? Did you fight with him again? Seriously you two...I can put you both inside jail for assualt case you know. I'm still a police man and you two keep on doing things like this"

"Dont take his name hyung I'm telling you. Beside I didnt fight. I got on an accident. I was planning to go clinic that my co-worker owns by the way. Just stay here I'll be back soon",Jungkook said and Jin noticed that Jungkook was already ready to go out.

"Auh mind coming with you?"?Jin tried to stand up but Jungkook again pushed him down

"No! Tak care of yourself. I'll be fast"

"Alright then my jealous bunny", Jin just giggled making Jungkook to pout.

Just like that Jungkook went out and Jin was just on his couch lying with his chest down and playing games on his phone when he heard his bell ring.

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