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"If you get any hint about this case then please kindly inform us",Yoongi bowed down for the last time to the officers from another head quater, the one who was currently taking over Mina's case.

Yoongi then went back to Jin who was just trembling from the beginning, bitting his nails in nervousness. Jin went into trauma after that and didnt even have enough courage to go and get informations himself and had to call Yoongi for help.

"Yaah kim seok Jin get a hold on yourself",Yoongi shaked him a little making him to come back in reality

"Yoon..yoongi? What did they say?",Jin stood up,holding Yoongi's hand," it wasnt a murder right? "

"Ofcourse. It wasnt. ",Yoongi sighed

"She just drank poison after getting drunk. They told she was in depression after her parent's divorce. Also she had taken huge amount from loan sharks and she was super depressed about it so she used to get drunk everyday. I think that's why she ended her life just like that"

"Also the man who just picked your call was the boy living next to her. He thought she was murdered since he saw her lifeless body on the floor. Yaah.. Come on cheer up. It has nothing to do with you",Yoongi raised his arms to hug Jin's shoulder. He had to tiptoe to do it since he was just so small and he just got angry over his own height.

"I knew. He cant kill anyone right? He cant",Jin uttered almost unclear

"What?",Yoongi arched his eyebrows at him

"Nothing",Jin smiled

"Oh by the way this is the cctv footage you asked for. It was from outside her building",Yoongi said showing him a video in his phone

"Its ok now. I got to know what I wanted to kn...",Jin frowned,"wait"

Jin took Yoongi's phone fast and watched it carefully

"No way...no way..",Jin eyes went wide open when he saw someone familiar on the clip

"Jung...",Jin stopped himself before Yoongi could even listen.

"I think I need to go. Please take care of yourself",Jin ran away now giving back his phone to him making Yoongi amused once again.

"That ungrateful brat",Yoongi hissed

Jin opened the door of his apartment and noticed Jungkook washing the dishes on the kitchen's basin. Jin heartbeats were beating like crazy as he walks near Jungkook gaining attention from him.

"Oh hyung? You are early today. Did you miss me already?",Jungkook smiled at him

"Did you kill her?"

And then Jungkook nearly dropped the plate he was carrying as soon as Jin asked him that. Jungkook paused for some seconds staring at his plate before looking back at Jin.

"Did you?",Jin asked again, his eyes getting teary

"What do you think? Did I?",Jungkook raised his eyebrows at him

"Jungkook please... do you have any idea how am I feeling right now? I...I'm scared..fucking scared that it might be you...",Jin said tears rolling down like crazy.

He wiped away his tears with his sleeves looking back at Jungkook once again," I saw you. I saw you walking outside her building. The dress you were wearing earlier made me to notice you at once. Why Jungkook? Is it too easy to kill someone like that?"

"I didnt kill her",Jungkook shouted suddenly making Jin to flinch back a little in sudden shock

"You did. You made her drink poison, isnt it?",Jin shouted back

"NOO",Jungkook screamed and threw his plate on the ground, breaking it into pieces.

Jin flinched back again, tears flowing down once again,"with this temper of your's... you definately must have killed her...you know what? I...I never believed what that nun said to me...I still didnt believe when first I heard about Mina being murdered. You know why? Cause it was you...you Jungkook,you..I can never imagine my little Jungkook killing someone...never. When you threatened me yesterday to kill her, I never thought you would actually kill her. You fucking dont know how scared I was when I was going to her place when I first heard about her. Everything was crazy for me. My heartbeat nearly stopped, I was close to die Jungkook"

"But after all I saw it with my own eyes. I think I'm starting to believe everything right infront of me. I cant turn blind eyes on it anymore kookie"

"Hyung",Jungkook stepped forward inorder to hug Jin but Jin just pushed him back

"No. Dont touch me with that dirty hands of your's",Jin yelled

"I said I didnt do it hyung. Yes it was true that I went to her place. Yes I did threaten her to stay away from you or else I would kill her for real next time. Yes I did that, I agree. And what? Making her drink poison? Thats not the Jeon Jungkook hyung. If I were to kill her then I would have first rip her lips apart and then burn her down alive like she never existed. That dirty hands she let on you, I could have just tear her apart"

"What? You are really something Jeon Jungkook..the more I got to know about you, the more you are scaring me away",Jin turned to leave but Jungkook came running,hugging him tight from behind

"Let go",Jin ordered

"I wont",Jungkook hugged him even tight

"I said let me go Jungkook",Jin shaked a little but Jungkook just didnt leave him

"I didnt kill her hyung, please trust me"

"Oh so you are saying that she really killed herself then? What a coincidence? She killed herself right after meeting you. ",Jin said in amusement

"I never said she killed herself"


Jungkook now made Jin to turn towards him. He then wiped away Jin's tears with his thumb,and then cupped his cheeks, kissing his forehead

" dont cry. It hurts"

"What did you mean by that Jungkook? Tell me",Jin pulled away  himself from Jungkook's hold

"I think I know who did that",Jungkook said making Jin confused


"Kim Taehyung"

"What?",Jin furrowed his eyebrows in disgust,"what the hell did you just say? Are you in your right mind Jungkook? Taehyung? Wow! I think I was fucking wrong to suspect you as a murderer. But I think You are just not only that ,you are a fucking psychopath"

"Psychopath? Maybe I'm. ",Jungkook smiled creepily

"Just be careful hyung. Sometimes people arent the same as they show themselves"

"Are you directing it to taehyung? What did he do exactly so that you are accusing him for something horrible?"

"Trying to steal you away from me"

"Woah. I'm not even suprised anymore",Jin laughed in amusement

Double updates for today ^_^
Much love from heya💜

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