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Jin pushed the boy so that he went back a little. Jin looked at him carefully, he was the same boy he met yesterday.

"Its you right",Jin said pointing at him

"It should be only me",he replied which doesnt make any sense to Jin.

"I never understand any of what you say. But for some reason I was curious about you after last night. Who are you? Do you know me? ",Jin jumped on his feet a little as he felt sudden grip on his waist pulling him closer.

"What are you doing? Do you want me to punch you? Its the third time you are touching me without my consent",Jin yelled

"Freaking beautiful",he was just staring at him like animal staring at his prey.

"Yaah kiddo. I'm a police officer and I can lock you on jail for this, remember that. ",Jin shaked to let go of him

"Kiddo? Oh come on. This is the thing I hated the most",Jungkook kept him firm by holding his waist pulling him closer more. Jin was a trained police officer even though he was so weak infront of that kid which made him little embarassed.

"Then what should I call you When You look like one",Jin glared at him

He just chuckle in disbelief.

"Do you want to know how big I'm then maybe you can call me daddy instead",He made his grip tighter making Jin to gasp.

Jin eyes widen in shock. He just thought he heard something wrong

"Excuse me?."

"You are still same hyung-ie. Nothing changed. So beautiful, that I want to keep you only for me. But also there are still some thing on you that I hated. But dont worry I'll make you never do such things that I hate. ",he now left him making Jin to take a long breath that he was holding back for so long

"So you know me right? Tell me who you are? "

"Thats your job to find out pretty", he winked at him for the last before opening the door and walking away leaving Jin there completely dumbfounded

On the way back to the police station Jin could only think about that boy and his confusing words. No matter how many times he tries to forget about him assuring himself that he'll never meet him again he just feels weird and something off about that particular boy.

"What are you thinking about? Dont worry. We'll find out everything about this case just like we did 8 years ago. ",Yoongi said making Jin to come back into reality.

"Huh?",Jin looked at him

"Child kidnapping", Yoongi reminded him of case 8 years ago

"Right. Auh by the way do you know what happened to that 12 kids after that? Did they get families or ?"

"I heard 11 child got adopted by some couples. But one particular boy",Yoongi stopped when he saw Jin frowning, " dont worry he was later taken to orphanage. I hope nuns guided him well enough"

Jin then sighed looking outside the window of his van. Yoongi regretted that he talked about that incident which left Jin regretfull and devastated for so long.

"Its ok, we all know that you did it for that kid's betterment. He willnt blame you for this. Maybe he is somewhere happy with his new family and he will be happy that your decision made him to the point where he is now. So dont think about it"

"It was true I did that for him. But... he just wanted to stay with me Yoongi. He cried and hugged my legs begging not wanting to go. Its.. he just wanted to be with me and nothing else yet I was scared if I can take his responsibility or not. He resented me a lot I guess. If I get a chance to meet him for once again then, I just wanted to tell him that I was sorry", Jin played with his hand nervously

"He wil understand, he was just a kid back then. Now he must be all grown up adult. Maybe he already forget who you are",Yoongi holded his hand softly.

"I can never forget him. Never. He is mine and it should remain that way forever", Jungkook sat on a chair with Hoseok standing on his side holding some documents.

"Boss. I know how clean and master minded you are. You can never leave such a mistake while doing your job. But about that logo.."

"Right you know me very well. I can never make such mistakes but..",Jungkook made his back straight and kept his elbows on table as a support for his chin.

"I left that there knowingly",he smirked as his eyes were turning dark. Wondering how many he had killed with that bloody hand already, indeed he was cold blooded killer that can do anything to get what he wants.

"Why?",hoseok asked

"Cause I wanted to see the same thing that happned today"


"He left me right. Now it should be only him who should find me back "

Jungkook shifted his back again keeping his crossed legs on the table.

"You mean you killed those three just to gain his attention? ", Hoseok kept his documents down

"Ofcourse",he smirked

"Like I said its just a beginning. He will become mine, I'll make sure he becomes mine. No he is mine. Even if I have to kill thousands to get him I'll just kill them. ", Jungkook kissed  his knuckles that had JIN tattoed on it.

"Just imagine how good he might look when his smooth skin lies on my hand? Imagine how good he might look all pinned under me?", Jungkook smirked letting himself get entertained while imagining things he would do with Jin.

"What if he doesnt want you? Will you force him? Or probably kill him too?" ,Hoseok raised his eyebrows at Jungkook. Jungkook looked up to meet his eyes with hoseok and they both were staring at each other equally

"I can't hurt him. But ofcourse if he doesnt want me then only option left for me is to chain him down and I already warned him about that" , Jungkook looked straight again

"Forget about those things. Let me just imagine how his delicate legs will look while getting spread only for me, moaning my name as I fuck him raw endlessly. Then maybe he will get to know how much I hate being called kiddo",Jungkook groaned as he finds himself turned on just by remembering Jin's face.

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