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"Yoongi-chii, please I can explain. Listen to me first",Jin followed Yoongi around who was just ignoring him

"I know we are partner in crimes. Oh no! We are civil servants! Hmm..I know we are like soulmates, we know everything about eachothers, we share everything yet I hided it from you but trust me I was going to tell you everything soon. That brat just spoiled everything for me",Jin whined

"Really?  My only friend got a boyfriend already, also had s-sex, yet he is assuring me right now that he was going to tell me soon. Probably, if I hadn't come here all along then I'll only get to know about them after their marriage or probably after their first child?",Yoongi folded his arms staring at Jin

"Yoongi you are literally over exaggerating right now. I'm man, I can't give birth"

"Who knows? Maybe you can? You also barked at me being straight as fuck and here you are getting your best. And here I'm still single. I cant believe you got a boyfriend before me",Yoongi hissed at him for which Jin laughed

"You arent angry anymore right?"

"I wasnt angry at you to begin with. I was just mad that you got boyfriend before me, beside I'll always support you for whoever you choose. Who cares if he's 10 years younger than you? He's young, wild, free and greatly energized. Rip Jin",Yoongi shrugged making Jin to slap his arms

"Yaah, It's nothing like that"

"Yeah yeah I heard it loud and clear already! Strawberry flavoured huh?" ,Yoongi grinned

"By the way, set me up with a guy. I dont want you to date alone, my life is boring already. I want a guy too, I wanna date too"

"Well, he isnt my boyfriend yet..hmm Dont worry! Your day will come. There must be someone for you, who will love and cherish you in everyway",Jin giggled poking Yoongi

"Maybe",Yoongi smiled


Jin and Jungkook ended up on the same room after Jungkook creating a drama outside of Yoonjin's room. Jin was angrily unpacking while Jungkook was just stuck beside him, disturbing him from doing his work.

"Go away. Will you? Dont you see I'm busy",Jin scolded and Jungkook just collapsed on bed, tossing around throwing away all his blanket and pillows

"What are you doing?",Jin got hit by a pillow

"Attention... Seeking attention",Jungkook whined standing up again, hugging Jin's arms and clinging on him

After a while, they three went outside and played on a beach for sometimes. They came back to their hotel once again and had their lunch. While having their lunch they noticed there was some program going on at the main hall.

Jin called and asked one of the staff member and got to know that it was actually children day today so they were having a small program for the orphanages around.

"Seems fun, let's check it out",Jin stood up

"We arent child....",Jungkook wasnt finished yet Jin and Yoongi were already walking away without him

"Wait",Jungkook followed them from the back once again

"Hy! I'm manager here. And I got to know that you all are guests here, hope our services are well enough of your taste. If you want anything then just inform us freely",one of the man in suit bowed down welcoming them

"Hello",Jin smiled

"Also,If you dont mind. Would you like to participate in our play? Actually, we were having a small play here but the person in charged just got into a small accident along with his crew members. Because of that we are lacking staffs for the play. "

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