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"...jung...jungkook... why? How? Why didnt you...",Jin couldnt proceed as Jungkook smiled weakly at him in response

"You did finally recognize me at last. But it was too late then I expected hyungie",Jungkook kept down his plate on the table which he was carrying.

"You came right at the time. Come and eat with me, I cooked some pasta",Jungkook then pulled two chair gesturing Jin to come and sit

"Jungkook why?",Jin now came near Jungkook and grabbed the chair stopping Jungkook

"Why?", Jungkook left his chair and stared at Jin," It should be me who should ask you that right. Why? Why hyung? Just why? Why didnt you recognize me when I was just hoping that atleast in our second meeting you could have. Why it has to be only me? Why? It was only me who thought about you every single day for this 8 fucking years. And what about you hyung? To be honest you never cared about me, while I was the only one who always thought about you. How might be Jin hyung doing, is he ok? Does he still remember me? Why was I the only one with so many questions. But not you? guess you never cared whether I lived or died"

"..no..it's not like that Jungkook. You grew up so well that I didnt realize that you could be..... but ...why didnt you tell me Jungkook? You knew everything even though why did you hide it from me?"

"Just to make sure if you can figure it out or not. I even talked about our past, i gave you so many clues even though you didnt catch it. Do you know why? Because You never kept  any memories of our's within you. It was just one normal moment of your life that just came and went swiftly. While I was the only one who was pining alone with it. "

"It hurts you know. You never came to search for me at this long time, While I always waited for you to come and take me. What wrong did I ever do that I dont even deserved to be with you? You threw me away when I tried to be good, no I tried to be as best as I can even though you didnt hear me beg. I just wanted to be with you but no, you were just afraid that I could have freeload off you or I would have been a burden for you.."

"Noo..please kookie dont talk like that. I..I never thought you as a burden, I wanted to be with you too, I swear but I was afraid. I was afraid if I can be a good guardian at my age or not. I thought maybe getting you new home could be best for you. Please kookie dont misunderstand hyung",Jin brust into tears holdind by Jungkook's arms making him to look at him since Jungkook was looking away

"Fine lets say you were afraid and you did that for me. But after that? After that what hyung? Did you make sure I got a new home? Did you try to find out if your decision was right for me? Did you ever try to come and find me? NOO you never did and you know why? Because you never cared about me,You never thought about me, not even for a single second you could have thought about me. After all I was just a victim, a victim along side with 11 other kids. For you I was nothing special than them"

"I'm sorry Jungkook...I...I was just scared.. you are special..please dont misunderstand me.. you were more than a way special for me..",Jin cried harder as he hold into Jungkook's arms

"Lie..lie after lie. Anyways I dont care now",Jungkook now shaked his hand away from Jin and instead cupped Jin's cheeks

"Jungkook..please", Jin looked at him with teary eyes while Jungkook just stared him,his gaze becoming more soft than before

"I dont care about anything now hyung. Whatever you'll say it will be all lie to me anyways. That's why...that's why I will go on my own way now. I willnt care about anything,and just do whatever I like. I will do anything to be in your side, even if someone will get hurt I will  not care cause atlast I just want to be with you. "

"You didnt think about me? Who cares? Cause from now on I'll make sure that You'll only think about me. You abandoned me? Now you cant, cause no matter how many times you'll throw me away I'll just come back again and again. "

"Jungkook...", Jin face got red as he felt cold and his eyes heavy with his legs getting weak

"You are still same hyung, gets fever whenever you go through something you cant tolerate.",Jungkook placed his palm on Jin's forehead since his temepature rised making him all red from his cheeks to ears.

Jin wasnt lying about becoming sick to Yoongi after all he got fever out of nowhere

"Let's go inside. Take some rest",Jungkook tried to take him to the room but Jin just shaked him off

"No, until and unless I dont clear things I'm not going anywhere. We still need to talk",Jin said shakingly as he felt freezing cold due to fever

"Dont get started again when you cant take it. Dont be stubborn like always"

"Still I need to tell you, I need to clear this misunderstandings, I need to give you my answers"

"You dont need to",Jungkook then carried Jin on his shoulders

"Yaah what.. what are you doing? Put me down" , Jin shaked slapping his back but Jungkook only stopped when he once reached the bedroom flopping Jin on the bed.

"...wait..",Jin screamed even though Jungkook was forcefully making Jin sleep while pining him on the bed

"Stop twisting",Jungkook warned him

"No, I need to go for work", Jin kept on shaking

"I said stop twisting if you dont want me to turn you down and fuck you raw above this fucking bedsheet",Jungkook  shouted roughly making Jin to whimper turning into a small ball curling on the bed

"You're sick. You need to take a rest,and from today onwards you'll only listen to me. Me only me. Just Fuck your work ",Jungkook cover him with his blanket,once again placing his hand on his forehead

"I'll bring some medicine. I'll be quick",Jungkook tried to go away but Jin grabbed his wrist stopping him

"I ....I..didnt abandon you Jungkook-ah.."

Jungkook noticed Jin talking on his sleep already. 

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