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"Are you starting to feel good hyung?",Jungkook smirked tracing Jin's whole body with his finger making Jin to whin again and again.

Jungkook sucked his necks, making Jin to bite his lower lips, trying to hide his moans back. Jin's hands were tied above his head, he tried to set free so many times but Jungkook made sure for him to be within the bed.

"Jungkook...please you will leave marks there..", Jin closed his one eye but kept other slighly open to see Jungkook's movement on him.

It was too late to ask since Jungkook already left him with so many hickeys all over his neck alone. Bitting his sweet spots once again.

"Thats good no hyung? Now everyone will get to see whom you belong to",Jungkook pull to see Jin's reaction.

"So freaking beautiful",Jungkook said now his fingers sliding down slowly from his neck to his collarbone and down to his shirt's button. Jungkook wanted to enjoy every reactions that Jin gives whether it was from pleasure or fear Jungkook just stared him while his hands were unbuttoning his shirt.

"Jun....gkook..",Jin couldnt do anything while Jungkook completely unbuttoned his shirt. His naked chest, nipples and tummy on flash.

"There...you'll feel good there ...",Jungkook whispered in a low sexy tone rubbing his nipple round

"No..o",Jin was too sensitive with his body as it is.

"You're so sensitive just by touching your nipples huh? I wander what reaction will you give when I touch your dick? Huh hyung? What shall I do? I'm getting addicted with that face of your's you are making right now", Jungkook said now leaning to suck his nipples

"Jungkook not there..it feels...weird",Jin closed his eyes tight when Jungkook sucked his nipples with his hands sliding down to unbuckle his pants.

"What are you doing? Isnt it finished yet?",Jin opened his eyes wide when he noticed his pants sliding down to his knees.

"It just got started hyung",Jungkook pulled away now sliding down his boxer too

"No..please no...dont...I..its embarassing..",Jin shaked his ass to kick away Jungkook but it didnt work when now his naked member was on a flash right before Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook smirked staring at his dick gaining more pink shades from him. Jin wanted to hide his thing but sadly his hands were tied right above the bed. It was just too embarassing moment for him when he didnt let anyone to see his naked body till now but today Jungkook just stripped him naked making him to jump up right there and run away from here.

"Hyung what's this? You were denying it from the beginning but just look at yourself ",Jin smirked when he saw Jin's member getting errected  and hard already

"Noo..It's just..",Jin was ashamed

"Dont lie about anything hyung. You are fucking turned on right?"

"I..no..",Jin was lying ofcourse cause it was true that he was getting excited.

"Then well, let me show you more",Jungkook said holding his dick now.

Jin's dick twitched when Jungkook suddenly grabbed his dick.

"Let me do the same thing for you like you did for me before",Jungkook smirked when Jin's mouth remained wide open. He wanted to refuse but when he opened his mouth to speak he again closed it back with the loss of words.

"I'll do this for you and then we will be even. You cant ignore me now or it will be cheating",Jungkook smirked now his hand doing the movement.

"Jung...noo..aish..",Jin closed his eyes tight when Jungkook was off giving him a handjob. Not to deny but Jungkook was so good in it making Jin to moan  in pleasure.

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