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"Did you get better now? You seem fine. Your temperature also went back to normal. Do you want me to make something for you? ",Jungkook asked keeping his palm on Jin's forehead who was now sitting silently and staring at Jungkook.

"No",Jin replied with his soft tone

"Fine then get changed into something comfortable. Your shirt became dirty since you were drenched in your own sweat. ",Jungkook walked to his wadrobe and picked up one of his pyjama before handing it to Jin.

"You look tired. Didnt you get proper rest?",Jin said holding his pyjama

"I looked after you for the whole night so I didnt get to sleep"


" Also, dont worry about anything. I called your friend Yoongi and told him that you are sick and you cant make it up"

"Yoongi?",Jin now shifted from his place in suprise,"why did you call him? What did he say?"

"He was suprised obviously. He asked me for who I was"

"What did you say then?"

"I just said you dont have to know and cut the call. ",Jungkook said going out of the room

"Get changed fast. I'll be waiting for you",Jungkook said closing the door

"That ungrateful brat. How can he cut phone on Yoongi? Yoongi out of all? He will kill me now.",Jin said picking his phone up from the table

"Gosh he even off my phone",Jin exclaimed turning on his phone

"Oh my god! 15 miss calls, 67 unread messeges. Yoongi will surely kill me now",Jin panicked opening his messeges and reading it.

"Jin. Who was that guy who just called me?"

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"When did you have one? Wait did you made a boyfriend already without telling me first? Oh god fuck you are a traitor Jin"

"Well you made one already then I dont have any problem on it. But give me every informations about him ok? What does he look like? His age? Is he handsome? Oh wait..."

"That means..that means Jin you are a gay? Jin are you really a gay? Oh god you are gay"

"Gay? What gay? I'm straight as fuck",Jin cursed him in reply

"Yoongi surely predict everything himself",Jin made his faces and changed into Jungkook's blue pyjama

Jin now sat across Jungkook awkwardly. Things went too far that he didnt know what to say and what to not. The boy whom he was searching for was infront of him for so many times even though he didnt realize it and now he is being accused of something terrible making him feel more guilty and regretfull than he already was.

Also the way Jungkook talked to him in inappropriate way was killing him deep inside. He wants to talk about it but again he didnt have much courage to bring it up.  Does he really mean that? Did Jungkook really grew up and his affection changed into obsession somehow? Jin was just not sure.

"Auh...Jungkook...well..we finally met. So can you talk more about yourself? Like where were you for this long? Anything you want to discuss about yourself?",Jin smiled at him nervously

"Do you really want to know?",Jungkook raised his eyebrows at him


"Hyung",Jungkook suddenly came infront of him and got on his knees while staring at him.

"Hmm? Do You have something to say?"

"Can You kiss me? Same way like you used to do before? ",Jungkook suddenly asked for a kiss out of nowhere making Jin shocked also awkward 

"But..that time you were small... and now you are all grown up. It will be shame for you too if you ask for a kiss now",Jin nervously spoke.

"Please your Jungkookie is asking for it",Jungkook showed him his puppy eyes making Jin to sigh heavily in response

"Fine",Jin then leaned to kiss his cheeks. Jungkook also turned to the side showing him his cheeks and Jin just gave him a short peck

"Can you do it again?",Jungkook again showed him his another cheek.

"Auh? Alright",Jin again leaned for a kiss. While he was just about to kiss him,his lips nearly touching his cheeks Jungkook suddenly turned now his lips crashing on Jungkook's lips.

Jin's eyes went wide open as he tried to pull himself away but Jungkook holded him by his neck. Jin was so shocked that he didnt know what was happening, his eyes were wide open when he saw Jungkook closing his eyes and kissing him on his lips.

Jin tried to push him off but he just couldnt, Jungkook just kept on kissing him keeping him firm on his position. Jin was just shocked, he closed his eyes too but didnt response to the kiss making Jungkook angry. He then bited his lower lips making Jin to whimper, there he got the chance to insert his tongue inside his mouth.

He kissed him, sucked him making Jin nearly lose his mind. Jin just kept on pushing him in shock. After not getting response even now Jungkook angrily pulled himself away from Jin. He grabbed his hair in frustation while standing up

"What...what the fuck did just happen?",Jin shockingly touched his lips were Jungkook just kissed him

"That was my firs kiss..",Jin glared at Jungkook in anger and before Jungkook can even answer back Jin slapped him right across his face making him silent.

"I...i didnt know you could have turned into something like this Jungkook.. how can you...how can you kiss me without my consent? Are you doing this so that you can make me regretfull for my decision? Or you just came back after 8 years just to take revenge on me? I now started to get why didnt you tell me earlier about yourself. Cause you really want to create troubles for me, cause you literally think I'm that bad guy who abandoned you"

"Listen to me hyung. I'm not here for any revenge or something like that. I just want you. I want you and you dont want me,and It freaking shows after all you just... didnt..didn't.. you feel anything when I kissed you? Nothing?",Jungkook pleaded with his eyes for Jin to say something

"Yes ofcourse I felt something. And you know what? I felt disgusted"

"HYUNG", Jungkook shouted roughly raising his one hand to hit Jin,that was what he thought as he closed his eyes tight but at the end Jungkook just banged his hand on the galss table so hard making it to break into pieces and smash on the ground

The loud sound of it made Jin to jump on his feet as he opens his eyes where he saw Jungkook bleeding from his hand,staring at him so intensely. His glare so deep and dark, as if he turned into another person

"You..you arent that Jungkook I know..Jungkook I knew was someone vulnerable, someone so fragile. But you...you are just too crazily strong..",Jin said tears rolling out as he sees Jungkook clenching his fist tight letting more blood to flow down on the floor, all over the glass pieces.

"I'm not staying here anymore. I dont want to be here. I want to go from here. You are scaring me",Jin said running over the door

"Where do you think you are going? Do you think I'll let you go now?",Jungkook voice was so threatening making Jin scare even if he didnt want to admit that he was scare

"I'm going...  Going away from you",Jin closed the door at him. Jin heard Jungkook's heavy footsteps towards him for which he locked the door from outside.

"Fuck! You'll regret it if you wont open the door this instant. Open the door, I said open this fucking door. If you run away from me now then I'll surely catch you again and chain you down",Jungkook banged at the door aggressively

Jin then ran away bare footed towards Taehyung's place after hearing Jungkook threatening words.

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