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Jin threw his head on the desk, whining again and again gaining deadly glares from Yoongi everytime he whines.

"You wanna die? You're disturbing me",Yoongi barked at him making Jin to make his head straight at once.

"Sorry",Jin whined again, writting something on his paper

"What happened? Did Jungkook cause problems again? He is just a child, leave him on his own"

"Child? He is all grown up Yoongi. All grown up",Jin sighed remembering what Jungkook did with him all those times.

It became a month already since they started living under same roof and Jin was just getting amused by Jungkook's behaviours changing day by day. One day he is like all grumpy throwing tantrums making Jin speechless while another day he is like a puppy, acting all cute all of a sudden seeking for attention, sticking with him like a glue

One thing that Jungkook doesnt forget is giving Jin kisses on his lips, even if Jin denied it thousands of times, Jungkook always kisses him out of nowhere, sometimes in the middle of their conversations, sometimes while just muching his food. It became like daily routine for Jungkook to give a short kiss on Jin's lips while Jin was also getting used to it slowly.

"Just take a leave already Jin. You are just tired I can feel it",Yoongi suggested

"No, dont you know?? still we havent solve those three cases. So many things happened after that incident that I couldnt completely focus on it but now I think I should get back. I should work on that case for once again"

"It will get disclosed soon anyways. ",Yoongi sighed

Jin was just about to say something, he heard his phone ring. It was from Taehyung.

"Taehyung?",Jin picked up his call

"Auh hyung. "

"What is it taehyung? It isnt break time yet"

"Hyung can you come out for a minute? I'm outside the station"

"What? You are here? Ok wait",Jin came running outside and saw Taehyung waving at him while giving him a big smile.

"Taehyung-ah why are you here? You never came here before. It must be something important"

"I just missed you",Taehyung smiled at him

"Huh?",Jin looked at him and to be honest after Mina's dead he hadn't seen Taehyung for a while.

"Now I saw your face, I'm just happy",Taehyung smiled at him while Jin was unsure about what he was trying to say.

"Auh...I'm happy too...well, it has been weeks already so,..well I missed you too",Jin smiled nervously while taehyung suddenly came closer to him closing the distance.

"Too near",Jin thought in his mind as he couldnt meet his eyes with Taehyung.

"Ah..what..I was saying was..auh well..",Jin mentally slapped himself for sluttering and cursed Jungkook for making things awkward between them.

"Hyung. Look at me",Taehyung requested

Jin hesitantly looked at him but again rolled his eyes to the other side after seeing Taehyung smiling fondly at him.

"You are getting shy hyung" , taehyung leaned to his height making Jin red when his face was suddenly so near to his

"Thats.. not the thing....I...I think I've fever..",Jin wasnt just stopping to slutter

"How cute"

Jin nearly choked on his own saliva when taehyung just said that.

Taehyung again took a step forward making Jin to take a step back.

"What are you doing?",Jin asked softly

"I wanna take a step forward towards you"

"What do you mean?",Jin was now able to meet his eyes with taehyung.

"I want us to stop being friends and move a little above from that place."

Jin eyes remained wide open because to him it totally looks like a proposal. Jin became speechless, he was ofcourse flustered when Taehyung suddenly proposed him out of nowhere.

"Dont worry, you dont have to answer  me right now. Take your time. But I just wanted you to know that whatever I'll do for you from now on willnt be just because we are friends, I just want you to know that I'm doing it because I like you",Taehyung said now placing his palm on Jin's cheeks making Jin so flustered.

"I like you so much",Taehyung smiled while Jin was still keeping his mouth shut.

"What was that....what was that...No...nonono..it cant be...taehyung likes me? Absurd...no way...ah I think I'll go crazy",Jin pulled his own hair while taking heavy steps back and forth outside the door.

Jin nearly had a heartattack when Jungkook suddenly opened the door making him to jump on his feets.

"Jungkook-ah? ",Jin nervously came inside

"What is it? You are stomping intentionally so that I can know your presence right?",Jungkook smiled at him

"And what about your hair huh?",Jungkook said patting his messy hair.

"Ah I think because of wind..",Jin smiled nervously staring Jungkook smiling brightly at him.

For one moment he thought of sharing it with Jungkook but again he pulled out from his own imagination just by thinking Jungkook going wild. He knows Jungkook will make a mess, a very serious mess once he will find out that Taehyung just confessed his feelings for him. So he just decided to remain silent.

Jin changed into his pyjama after having dinner and was just working on his laptop when he noticed Jungkook bringing a chair and sitting next to him. Jin thought Jungkook will go away after watching him for sometimes but Jungkook was just staring at him for hours.

"What? Dont you see I'm working?",Jin felt so uncomfortable like he was going to die from suffocation.

"So? Its not like I'm disturbing you anways. I just want to see you like this forever",Jungkook said pulling Jin's chair towards him

"You",Jungkook stared him down

"W..what?",Jin's lips were trembling once again

"You are lying about something to me isnt it?",Jungkook smiled creepily

"No.",Jin gulped down his fear

"Its fun when you keep things from me. Cause when I go mad you know what happens next",Jungkook suddenly wrapped his hand around his nape, pulling him closer making his heartbeat nearly stop.

"Jungkook..I..",Jin wanted to explain but he was being stopped suddenly by a kiss

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