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8 years later,

"Hyung-nim please slow down.. you are all drunk already please. I dont know how will I take you home now",Taehyung panicked when he saw Jin taking another glass of his wine. 

They were in a night club after Taehyung forced Jin for so long. Jin wasnt type who loves clubbing or drinking. He was the one who was strict with his works and principle. He was a hard working police officer who got reknowned after his truthful dedication towards laws at this young age.

Ofcourse he was a boring and lonely person even though Taehyung had crush on Jin for so long even though Jin never noticed him in that way. Taehyung was 2 years younger than him and that was enough for Jin to give excuses about how small he was to be in a romantic relationship with him except than a brotherhood.

"Aish. I said stop",Taehyung took away his glass

"Yaah give that back. I'm the hyung here.",Jin said in authoritative tone

"Whatever. I'll never bring you here ever in my life. What a waste aigoo.",Taehyung tried to make him stand but Jin shaked him off

"What should I do Taehyung-ie? What will I doo?..",Jin was totally drunk and red as hell

"Here you go again. Please atleast for today dont talk about your work"

"If I dont solve this case then I'm doomed. Totally doomed",Jin whined

"How can.. how can someone be so clever Taehyung? ",Jin looked at Taehyung

"Are you talking about that killer?",Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows

"Yes. How can.. someone be so brutal? He..he killed 3 people already also in a month? Whenever I try to catch him, I..I..just little late..I arrived just a little late. God damn, he is so clever. ",Jin sighed remembering how his life was going smoothly a month ago but suddenly turned upside down.

A month ago he recieved a call, a call from an unknown person who was waiting for him to arrive on the crime scene. When Jin arrived he was already gone. He killed him so brutally, and Jin actually knew that person who was the victim. He was his landlord, Jin used to argue sometimes with him also he didnt like that old man but never he wanted him to die such a tragic death. Everyone gossiped about the case trying to accuse Jin secretely but ofcourse no one dared to pinpoint a police officer directly.

Following week, another victim was Strangled to death. Also this time Jin was the one who got the call first. Jin was frustated already cause everyone who got killed was someone he knew also that someone was in a bad terms with him. He sometimes thought maybe his enemy is doing this to destroy him so that everyone can  blame on him but again he never have such a daring enemies.

"I will..I wil just catch that killer no matter what. I....he just made my life hell. Everyone is starting to believe that I killed them ..how can I even think of doing that? ",Jin got up from his sit and came to Taehyung shakingly

"Just forget about him for today please",Taehyung catched Jin who nearly fell down 

"I cant.. I can only think about him and nothing else",Jin looked at Taehyung who was giving him a stare

"You think about him 24 hours. I'm just jealous. Even if you think of him in a bad way but still all your mind is occupied by that killer."

"Yeah yeah whatever. Lets go home now",Jin stood straight letting go of Taehyung and going outside together 

They were already late and Taehyung was little drunk too so he decided to take a taxi instead and leave his car there and come tomorrow morning to pick it up. It was so late that it was hard to get a taxi at that moment, Jin was getting worst even more. Dancing and singing making Taehyung embarassed.

"Hyung just wait here. I'll bring taxi and come back soon. Just be here ok?",Taehyung made Jin sit on the bench.

"Okey dokey...",Jin made a tone like baby making Taehyung to chuckle

"God arent you too old to be doing that?",Taehyung stood up and ran over taxi station.

Jin was just sitting there all drunk, swinging his arms sometimes, scruching his nose sometimes or sometimes counting the stars up on the sky. He didnt noticed that someone came by his side and sat beside him until he heard him cough.

Jin turned and saw a man younger in age than him but way more manly and muscular than he was. He was very muscular, thick thighs also taller than him. He was wearing a black leather jacket with a black shirt tucked inside his tight black jeans. His hair black too but all messy. Also he had tattoo on his knuckle. Jin carefully tried to read letters of his tattoos. His jacket were slighly folded up that showed his veiny arms.


Jin read it loud

"Thats my name",Jin said pointing at his tattoo but he just chuckle in response and took out a packet of cigarettes.

"Yaah kiddo. Dont you know smoking is bad for health. Just throw it away",Jin scolded him

And this time he finally turned towards him completely giving him a deep glares.

"You are still the same. Doing things I hate",his voice was very deep and that gave him chills all inside his body.

"Yaa... how old are you? Show me your identity card",Jin said shifting his body a little.

"Are you that obsessed with age? Forget about age. Dont you wanna know who I'm?",he smirked making Jin confused

"What are you saying?"

And then suddenly, he stood up and pinned Jin down trapping him inside with his two hands placing on the bench, keeping him inside.

"What the hell are you trying to do?",Jin eyes went wide open when he saw him bringing his face closer to him

"Your mind",he said pointing at his temple


"Your heart",he slided his hand down and placed it on his chest before Jin could even talk back

"And your body",He finally slided his hand down more tracing his whole body giving him goosebumps suddenly. His touch was so cold that gave him chills and he was too drunk to fight back.

"Everything belongs to me",he smirked

"Just shut up. What a pervet. Just wait till I get you. You dont know but I'm a police officer. Just tell me your name or address, your parents should know what kind of dirty things you said to a police officer",Jin tried to stand up trying to push the boy back but suddenly he grabbed his hand pulling him closer.

" i'm the one whom you are searching for", he whispered on Jin's ear


"Wanna go my place? I'll tell you everything once we get there",Jungkook left him and saw Jin speechless

"Will you get in?",he smirked showing him his black car

"What will you do once I get there?",Jin raised his eyebrows at him

"Probably chained you down, and keep you only for me?"

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