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"You.. how did you know my name?",Jin tried to pick up his phone with confused expression.

"I know more about you,wanna know  what?"

Jin left his phone and looked up to meet Jungkook's eyes who was giving him his usual smile

"What?",Jin stood straight.

"Well, your full name is Kim Seok... Jin",Jungkook said Jin while showing him his tattoo on him.

"Its..my name.. wasnt it dream either?",Jin's mouth remained wide opened as he remembered this tattoo but thought maybe he was dreaming about it.

"Why? How? What are you actually?",Jin looked at him since he makes him too impatience and restless everytime.

"Why?  Are you the only one whose name is Jin in this entire world?"

"What??...yeah...I know right.",Jin felt like he fell down from the top of the roof realizing how stupid it was to think that someone will tattoo his name on his knuckle without any reason.

"Well, so like I said I know you very well as I'm your greatest fan you know. A devoted police officer who is very passionate about catching criminals. Do you really enjoy catching bad people? Or its just some hobby of your's?",Jungkook said passing through Jin and bringing his suitcase inside which he left on the door.

"Hobby? I dont just waste my precious time on catching bad people just because I enjoy or just simply I keep it as a hobby. Yes, I'm very passionate about catching them cause I really really.. really hate them. I desperately want them to pay for their sins and yes I enjoy them seeing behind those bars, suffering for what they did",Jin grabbed away his suitcase from Jungkook's hand and tried to go away

"Searching for a bed room?",Jungkook raised his eyebrows when he saw Jin looking around

"Yes since I'm very tired I kindly request you to stop your nonsense. I hope we go well, also lets keep our personal matters to ourself", Jin made his face and walked a little but Jungkook stop him by blocking his way

"What now?",Jin glared at him

"Its the wrong way. Bedroom's there",Jungkook pointed at the other side.


"Oh by the way which side of the bed would you like to keep for yourself? Right or left? We are going to share it so lets just decide it here"

Jin stopped in his trail after realizing that he had to share a room with this freak making him not wanting to go to that room anymore.

Jin turned back at him,"No thanks I like couch better",Jin said looking at the couch behind them

"Well, I was going to give you that option too. Couch? It sounds better. So Jin hyung what would you prefer? Be on the top of me or should I just top you? ",he smirked making Jin to go back a little in his erotic tone

"What the hell did you just say? "

"2 doesnt fit on a couch side by side. So"

"Who said I'm inviting you to sleep with me? Suit yourself on the bed and I'm fine here at the couch",Jin ignored him and tried to go towards the couch.

But Jungkook suddenly grabbed his suitcase pulling him by it that he collided with Jungkook, his head collapsing on Jungkook's chest.

"I didnt planned this so that we can fucking sleep seperately. I want to fucking sleep with you,is that clear?",

Jin closed his mouth immediately who was just about to curse him as soon as he heard Jungkook growling in anger out of nowhere. Jin doesnt want to admit but his voice was really threatening that gave him chills all over his body. Also when he lifted his head to see his reaction, Jungkook was staring at him so deeply with his darkest looking eyes that he just shut his mouth. Crazy he was so dominant that even a police man was speechless

"Why..why are you getting angry suddenly? I will sleep wherever the fuck I want",Jin tried to make his voice firm since he didnt want to admit that he was weak.

"Fine",Jungkook ran his hands through his hair in frustation making Jin amused. Does he want to sleep with him that freaking much? Seriously? Jin was really amused by it.

He sighed finally before looking back at Jin for which Jin just rolled his eyes to the other side.

"Fine you can sleep on the bed then..I'll just use the couch. But I kept my things already on the room so atleast let me use bathroom and cupboard, will you? "

"..oh..ok",Jin was little awkward since because of him it will be uncomfortable for him to sleep on the couch now. But who the hell cares for him? It was him who first talked like some pervert to him.

Jungkook came inside his room, he happily threw himself on the bed which was so soft and comfy. It also smells so nice.

"Thankgod I dont have to sleep with that freak",Jin made his faces and came outside to see other rooms.

Kitchen, living room, dining table, everything was so big and beautiful. Jin couldnt believe he got such a beautiful apartment in such a cheap price. He went to the other side where he saw a big swimming pool making him to jump on his feet in excitement.

He really loved swimming but due to his busy schedule he didnt get much time to swin for such a long time. He couldnt control himself so he went inside the pool unknowingly. He was wearing white shirt with black jeans, he didnt open his cloths since he was too sensitive and shy when it comes to his body. Also when he was sharing an apartment with some freaking pervet.

"Woah, it feels so good",Jin stopped once he reached at the middle of the pool.

He was all soaked and his t-shirt became see  through already when he suddenly saw Jungkook at his front smirking at him.

"What are you looking at?",Jin tried to hide his chest since his nipples were poped out from that shirt.

His jaw dropped when he saw him undressing now without replying back.

"Yaah why are you getting undressed now?",Jin screamed but he just ignored him and threw his shirt somewhere making Jin to give a long sigh as he stares down his muscular arms and chest.

Jin also noticed he had other tattoos too other than on his knuckles, one on his arm and other on his chest.

"Woah. What is he? A gangster?",Jin eyes went wide open now when he saw him opening his pants too throwing it somewhere again.

Now he was all only in his boxer making Jin to feel shy. Jin turned back agressively to ignore him like that.

He again peeked a little to see what he was doing and in his suprise he was coming towards him, already inside the pool. Jin panicked and turned back again now running away trying to come out from the pool as soon as possible.

But Jungkook came so fast taking  long steps splashing water all over. Jin was just about to jumped out from the pool he felt a sudden grip on his waist pulling him down inside the water again.

"Yaah. Leave",Jin kicked his legs splashing water all over his face along with Jungkook's.

Jungkook flipped him over like he weighs nothing now them facing eachothers, Jungkook holding him through his waist as he raises him up through the water.

"I said leave me",Jin slapped his chest.

"Baby,you are so freaking beautiful when you get all wet like this. Your pink plump lips..its just too much. I just want to pin you down, kiss you till you become breathless, toss you around and fuck you until you realize that you're mine",Jungkook pulled Jin closer more,pressing their chest together


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