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Jungkook pulled Jin up from his place through his wrist, Jin made a whole circle before landing on Jungkook's lap.

"What was that?",Jin nearly had a heart attack when Jungkook suddenly made him to sit on his lap.

"You are making me crazy right now. I just want to know everything about you, your single details, your dirtiest secrets, just everything. But you just keep on hiding them from me and that just makes me go nuts", Jungkook said pressing Jin down from his waist

"What will you do?", Jin wanted to stand up but Jungkook just kept him on his place by holding his waist.

"Guess what?",Jungkook smirked, his finger going inside Jin's collar. Jin whimpered when Jungkook rubbed his previous hickey with his finger

"Still fresh huh?"

"Dont you know how hard it was for me to hide it from others, I had to cover myself upto my neck because of this",Jin whined

"So? That was what I wanted. No one could ever see your beautiful skin other than me. "

"That's cruel",Jin tried to stand up but Jungkook just kept him firm by his waist. Jin wiggled his ass to break free but it was just making Jungkook to smirk more as his ass rubbed his dick more and more. Jin stopped wiggling once his dick poked his asshole.

"Yaah.. take your thing back",Jin said turning his head. He again turn front fast when he saw Jungkook staring at him so deeply.

"Why do I feel like those pretty doe eyes are hiding something fun behind?why why why?"

"Its nothing",Jin lied

"Well, I gave you a chance already so later if I find something then I have no choice but to fuck you till you repent. Got it?",Jungkook whispered in his ear sending chills to Jin's spine

"I am man of my words you know. So you can't beg later when I..",Jungkook said sliding his hands down towards his pyjama's pants and playing with his elastic band

"what will you do if I'm actually hiding something?"

"Hmm you know it well",Jungkook suddenly made Jin to stand up, turning him around. Jungkook too stood up and then carrying Jin by his waist. Jin then wrapped his legs around Jungkook's waist as for Jungkook again got sitted on his chair with Jin on his lap, dangling his legs on the either side of the chair, facing eachother now.

Jin got red as now Jungkook slided his both hands inside his pyjama. He then squeezed Jin's ass, making Jin to whin.

"Stop it..",Jin face was burning like he had fever.

Jungkook then thrusted his two fingers inside his hole slowly

"Aish..",Jin's head landed on Jungkook's chest. Jungkook took out his another free hand to hold Jin by his waist while another one fingering his hole.

Jin moaned, his breathing becoming heavy with every second as Jungkook pumps his fingers in and out faster than before.

Jin felt so good when Jungkook was fingering his hole, last time they did that on Taehyung's place but had to stop it in middle but now I think both cant stop any sooner when they were all left alone. Jin was so shocked with the fact that it was his asshole not even his dick but he felt so good like he was in heaven.

"I wasnt finished yet",Jungkook said licking his ear,holding his hair and pulling him back so he can see his shy face.

"Well you cant beg me later when I put my dick instead of my fingers at that tight hole. Do you understand pretty?",Jungkook smirked making Jin's legs to tremble.

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