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"Wait what? We are going on a bus? No way! I fucking want my car, let's go back right now",Jungkook carried his suitcase but Jin was fast to stop him by grabbing his arm.

"Jungkook-ah please..",Jin locked his arms around Jungkook's,"It was on my bucket list for so long. I really wanted to ride on a bus while travelling. Please..please..please", Jin pouted and that was more than enough for Jungkook to do whatever Jin tells him to do.

"Ugh! Fine! But it's already packed I guess? Let's take another one"

"No! We have to freaking wait for 30 mins for another one. Let's go. There must be lots of sits inside",Jin then dragged Jungkook inside bus once they finished loading their suitcases inside trunk.

"Aah! Seriously... I hate people",Jungkook scratched his head seeing so many people infront of him.

Jin and Jungkook's eyes then got fixed on one thing suddenly. They both stared at the only sit left before  staring at eachother and running over to get a sit first. Jin was just about to claim the sit first, Jungkook suddenly catched him by his waist, pulling him over him and then finally tossing him to the side now sitting over the sit instead.

"Yaah. Thats cheating",Jin whined coming to the side of Jungkook who was grinning on his win

"Oh hyung,you were the one who wanted this. You must have said that you wanna ride on me instead, but how sad. You wanna ride on this cheap thing instead",Jungkook grinned making Jin to slap his chest

"Yaaa, shut up. You're embarassing me",Jin panicked when Jungkook said that so loud that the girl sitting next to him just rolled her eyes at him making him all flustered.

"Fine fine. Suit yourself. I'm fine. Instead keep your voice low for god sake"

Jin was just about to go back since he thought he was blocking the way, Jungkook suddenly took his wrist on his hold, pulling him once again and making him to sit on his lap.

"Yaah. What are you doing?",Jin wiggled trying to stand up, feeling so shame since everyone was staring at them, but Jungkook just wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Hyung! I'm warning you. If you keep on wiggling like this then thing will go really hard. You surely dont want me to get turn on here right? ",Jungkook whispered and Jin just stopped wiggling and got sitted on his lap comfortably.

"Goodboy!",Jungkook smiled

"By the way, which perfume do you use? It's good. I still remember that you used to smell same 8 years ago"

"Ah? Do you still remember that?",Jin said shockingly

"Ofcourse, I remember each and everything on you. You are such a beautiful being hyung. How can someone be so perfect? I mean, everything on you just drives me crazy. Like everything",Jungkook made his hug tighter on his waist that Jin just gasped

"St..stop!",Jin nervously placed his hand over Jungkook's arms.

It was two hours journey to reach the place and it was an hour already and Jin was just on Jungkook's lap for so long so he just thought maybe it was getting uncomfortable for him so he tried to stand up once again.

"Get sitted properly",Jungkook ordered making his hold tighter once he felt Jin slipping away from his lap.


"Dont worry you are light weighted. Beside I'm enjoying it well. Specially on bumps and all", Jungkook smirked

Jin gulped down knowing what he meant so he just quietly sat on his lap. After a while he felt his eyes heavy, he started to doze off and finally landed on Jungkook's chest, sleeping their peacefully.

Jungkook just smiled while seeing Jin turning into a ball inside his lap,"He sure does sleep a lot."

Jungkook then looked at the side and noticed the girl sitting next to him was staring at them. Actually she was staring at them from the beginning but Jungkook didnt say anything and he was just quick to notice everything around him.

"What are you looking at?",Jungkook narrowed his eyebrows and she just made her face straight at once

"Hello! I'm talking to you miss ugly"

"What?",She finally responded after feeling insulted.

"I'm noticing you from the beginning sweety. Are you trying to flirt with me or what?"

"Excuse me but it wasnt you who I was intrested on. The person on your lap just caught my attention and it was him I was...",she wasnt even complete once she felt a light hold on his neck.

"W-what..",she got startle when Jungkook suddenly holded her neck, eventhough the hold was loose it still made the girl terrified when she noticed his eyes turning dark.

"Do you know who I'm? Choose your words carefully if you dont wanna die baby girl. The one in my lap is mine. He's MINE..",Jungkook pulled his hand away from her neck making her to take long breathes in relief

"EYES DOWN, NOW",Jungkook roughly ordered as she was still looking at them. She panicked and stood up from her sit at once, running away to the back sit feeling unsafe near Jungkook.

"Bitch",Jungkook sighed before keeping Jin on the side which was vacant now and placing his head on his shoulder so that he can sleep peacefully there.


"What is Yoongi hyung doing here?",Jungkook jaw dropped on the floor once he saw Yoongi already waiting them happily

"Ah. I called him. It will be fun Jungkook, Yoongi really likes such things", Jin smiled and ran over Yoongi while taking him inside and totally ignoring Jungkook with their suitcases.

"Hyung! Wait! Take me with you, I...I didnt plan this. I wanted only us to be here, Why? Why are you leaving me alone with suitcases. I said wait",Jungkook dragged three suitcases along with him while shouting at Jin from back but Jin was just so busy gossiping with Yoongi.

Jungkook finally catched up to them, squeezing himself between, seperating them.

"Let's talk later. For now let's go to our room, also Jin hyung I think we need to talk. I'm little dissapointed right now",Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jin's shoulder while bringing him closer

"Yes let's go. Jungkook your room is right beside us. Now follow me",Jin smiled and removed Jungkook's arms from him while going to the front so that they can follow him from behind

"Wait what? ",Jungkook furrowed,"you mean I'm sleeping alone? You mean you are sharing room with Yoongi hyung but not me? Wow! I'm even more disspapointed now"

"Whats wrong in that?",Yoongi seems confused

"So no sex for real? I was hoping to fuck you in every positions, I even brought some lubes and condoms with me. I even have strawberry flavoured one, you like strawberries rig..ht?"

"OH MY GOD SHUT UP JUNGKOOK",Jin slapped Jungkook's mouth with his palm, panicking and looking over Yoongi's reaction

"What did I hear just now? ",Yoongi rubbed his temple with his finger rewinding everything that Jungkook just said, looking all puzzled.

"Jin you..",Yoongi's mouth dropped on the floor

Hy,I'm back! Hope you are enjoying it well.💜💜

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