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Cough cough cough*

Jin felt like something got stuck on his throat which made him to open his eyes slowly. When he opened his eyes he saw Jungkook at his side smiling at him. It wasnt a creepy smile he always gives, it was just his cute little smile that he thought he have seen it somewhere.

"You?",Jin got up and wiped his saliva with his sleeves," omg sorry I often drool while sleeping" He felt embarassed not knowing it was Jungkook who made him like that

"Its ok its natural for people to do that"

"Right. But why are you here at this hour? ",Jin said looking at Jungkook who was now giving him his puppy eyes. When Jin had no idea what this cute looking guy was doing with him a moment ago in his sleep.

"I cant sleep on the couch. My back hurts",Jungkook whined and Jin finally found Jungkook acting like his age.

"Alright then you can sleep here. But I dont like when things gets stuffy so just maintain some distance",Jin said throwing one of the pillow at Jungkook's face. Jungkook just giggled in response before fixing his pillow and sleeping next to Jin.

"Goodnight hyung"

"Goodnight.... by the way what's your name?",Jin asked him his name but didnt get the response.

" hello?", again no response

"Wow that was fast anyways I will ask you tomorrow again",Jin sighed before turning another side and fixing his blanket.

At the morning, Jin slowly opened his eyes and found himself inside Jungkook's chest. When did he ended like this? Jungkook was hugging him while his arms were sorrounded on his waist.

"Yaah",Jin raised his voice

Jungkook opened his eyes too, but didnt let go of Jin and kept on cuddling.

"Leave",Jin ordered.

"I dont want to"

"Wow so you are in your real form again?",Jin glared at him for which he just smiled at him

"Your fault though. You smell so beautiful and you just feel so warm"

"Shut up or else I might be late for my work. Also from tonight you wont be sleeping with me anymore. ",Jin pushed him off and got out from the bed 

"As if",Jungkook just remained at his bed. If he could he just wanted to sleep with Jin forever like he did, after all it felt so good. After 8 years he got to feel Jin again, and it just made him even more crazy for Jin. The more he touches Jin the more he craves for him

"I'm going now",Jin said while grabbing his coat and running towards the main door


Jin heard Jungkook growl from back stopping him.

"What now? I'm late already",he turned back holding the door knob

"Where are you going without having breakfast first?",Jungkook was giving him a deathly stare

"And who the hell are you to order me around? Go and eat in your own. Also dont mess with my belongings while I'm gone. I havent kept my things in their places cause I didnt get time yesterday because of that stupid pool incident and all. So kindly please dont cause any problem for me",Jin opened the door to leave but again Jungkook stopped him growling like some animal

"What what what? What now? I'm late dont you get it?"

"Fine if you are that late then you can go. But there's some rules you must follow. You cant skip meals.."

"Why should I follow your rules? Who are you?",Jin asked in amusement.

"Well, listen to me first. You cant skip your meals from now on. Also you should come back home before dusk, if you dont want me to come there by myself to pick you up, got it?"

"Wow? And do you think I will just follow your orders? Fuck off,I can do whatever I like. Living in same apartment doesnt mean we have rights over eachother. Dont order me around just because we live together now. If you are worried that I'll disturb you coming home late and interrupt your sleep then it wont happen. I promise I'll silently manage it by myself. For now goodbye",Jin opened the door

"I wont repeat it again. I said You'll regret it  if You come home late even for a second"

Jin then closed the door at barking Jungkook without listening to him anymore

"Asshole",Jin cursed him and went to his working place.

"So you mean there is some boy who looks like he is in his early 20's who is sexually harassing you even now threatened you? This is too much",Yoongi banged his hand at the table.

"Yaah I didnt tell you that he sexually harassed me. "

"Oh come on he is totally sexually bullying you. Hitting on someone talking sexual things beyond one desires is also called harassing and you know that"

"I know but he is looks too young. Definately he is not hitting on me, I'm too old for that",Jin said standing up and bringing some documents from the main desk.

"How will you manage to live with that freak? ",Yoongi asked when Jin was back

"Lets not talk about it. Auh by the way did you find something about that boy?", Jin said looking at Yoongi seriously

"Oh right. There was no any records of him till now. He completely dissappered somewhere. He was last time seen on the orphanage beside no one knows. "

"I just hope he's alright",Jin sighed remembering his short memories with Jungkook.

The way he giggled,the way he used to hug his waist since he was too small to reach his shoulders, the way he used to say,"Hyungiee I'll grow tall like you and then I'll marry you one day",making Jin to giggle on his comment.

And then suddenly Jin remembered his bunny smile,"smile, right his smile"

"What?",Yoongi was confused

"I've seen his smile somewhere else"

"What the hell are you talking about Jin?"

"I...I'm sorry Yoongi. I think I'm not feeling well. I'm going home please take care of it by yourself",Jin just flew away making Yoongi to drop all his files in shock.

"Jungkook was 14  when I found him. It's been 8 years so he might be 22 right now. ", Jin was counting everything in his mind while running back to his apartment. He was breathless already but he just ran and finally reached there.

"After connecting all those things. I... I found something strange... I think that...",Jin opened the door. His heart was beating like crazy as he sees the boy turning his back at him on the kitchen while doing something.

"I really think that...",Jin's eyes got teary as he sees him from back, making steps towards him slowly

"... that you have his smile ", he felt like his heart was going to come out from his place.

"..jungkook-ah?", and then Jin finally called his name softly

For which that boy turned towards him slowly, they both completely froze in their places as they stare eachother back speechlessly.

" you.. you are him.."

Jin lets out one thick drop of tear while keeping his palm on his mouth in shock

Sorry for bad eng😢

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