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Jin was sitting on his bed, sometimes standing up and walking back and forth. Bitting his nails nervously sometimes and sometimes just throwing himself on the bed. He was having panick attacks and he swear his heart was going to comeout from its place soon

Shakingly he reached his hold on his phone. Once again he called Jungkook but again got no any response from him.

"Where are you?",Jin sighed as he remembers seeing Jungkook like two hours ago

After Jin knew he fucked up, he thought Jungkook would go wild and drag him to the room while going crazy. But no, Jungkook just went away without saying much

"You can go first. I'll come back later",Jungkook just muttered those words and left him and Yoongi dumbfounded.

Jin was relaxed but when Jungkook was taking more time than expected, his relaxation was changing into panick attacks.

"Did he leave?",Jin was just thinking when he heard the door open.

"Omg! You scared me. I thought you left",Jin ran over Jungkook who just gave him faint smile in response

"..what's wrong?..you dont look good",Jin gets worried after seeing him down

"Nothing. I'm not liking here. I want to go back",Jungkook says as he pushed pass him to reach his things

"Is it about what Yoongi said? Well then, I was trying to be honest with you but Yoongi just ruined everything with his big mouth", Jin asked

Jungkook then turned to face Jin narrowing his eyebrows.

"I dont care about that hyung. Like Yoongi hyung said, its all in the past. And something must be kept in the past itself. And I dont know for why you have to explan it to me. What are we exactly so that you have to clarify it to me? Dont try to explain, when we are nothing",Jungkook gave him a serious look and Jin swear he just felt pang in his heart. He felt like crying when Jungkook just referred him as nothing

"What?",Jin eyes got teary

"I asked what are we?",Jungkook raised his eyebrows

"Are you still upset that I didnt answer back when Yoona asked about you? Jungkook I was about to but then"

"But then what? Well,hear me out hyung, I dont talk much about it but inside I feel like dying when you treat me like an exception everytime. Everyone in your life has their own place. Friends, family, crushes, blablabala.. but what about me? Why am I the only one with nothing? At last my only question is, what's our relation to begin with?"

"Well after having so many make out sessions, also sex we can never be reffered as brothers or friends. Then again what are we to eachothers? Or to you it was just like two bros helping out?",Jungkook palced his hands on his hip

"Jungkook.. its.. not like that. I swear it was more than that, I didnt do anything just to help you out. It was more,.more than that",Jin said tears rolling out from his eyes

"I'm sorry but I cant do this anymore hyung. Either tell me to stay with you or just throw me away like you did 8 years ago. Dont make me confuse everytime and give me something firm to hold on",Jungkook felt bad for Jin but for now he had his own emotions to take care of

"Why are you talking about that again? I said you already that it was for you, you will understand it once you see yourself in my place..",Jin said tears flowing down like crazy

"Alright. I'm sorry, I wont talk about anything from now on. I'll just leave early, come back with Yoongi hyung whenever you want",Jungkook said packing his things

But he couldnt focus at all when Jin was just crying loudly beside him. He then threw his suitcase to the side in frustation before standing up and dragging Jin inside the bathroom.

"W-what are you doing?",Jin mutters between sobs when Jungkook pushed him gently towards the shower

"I'm having trouble because of you. I'm taking a shower to fresh my mind",Jungkook starts to strip himself, finally pulling down his boxer

"Then why did you drag me here? "

"You also need to fresh your mind",Jungkook says pulling Jin near from his arms while stripping him naked. Jin didnt complain about anything and just let Jungkook do whatever he wants. Jungkook then opens the shower as they stands below it.

Water flows down on their naked body as Jungkook cleaned Jin first before closing the shower once again and covers Jin with a towel.

"You look little calm! Go take a rest, I'll take a shower now",Jungkook takes another towel and wipes Jin's wet face

Jungkook then turns back while planning to take a shower but someone just stopped him wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Hyung?",Jungkook got startle when Jin suddenly hugged him from back, nuzzling inside his neck

"I'm sorry Jungkook-ah" , Jin makes his hold tight

"Sorry for what?"

"Sorry for making you confuse Jungkook. I know! I know the fact that you really like me, despite of knowing the fact I still act like shit. I know I am the bad one always. And I'm really sorry for what happened earlier at the hall. I didnt wanted you to feel this way, I never planned on hurting you like this",Jin removes his hug and makes Jungkook to face him

"You are right. After all those things that happened between us we cant be called friends or bro. I'm really sorry for acting this way and I can get for why you are so upset with me.", Jin holds Jungkook's hands now

"What a suprise..atleast you got to know what I mean",Jungkook smiles holding his hand back

"So Jungkook I have decided to give you a name. A place in my heart that only belongs to you"

"What do you mean?",Jungkook said in suprise

"Let's date Jungkook-ah.. Let's stop all those things and let's start our relation for real. Starting from now,let's do it",Jin smiled his eyes getting teary once again

"I...are you..",Jungkook couldnt believe what Jin just said

"Yes,I'm. So? You dont want to?"

"No..I mean..Yes I would love to.. but it was so sudden..I mean..I think I might go crazy...I think I'm going to die right now",Jungkook leaves Jin's hand and turns around in shock

"So meaning,from today we are boyfriends?"

"Yes",Jin smiled and next thing he found himself was on Jungkook's hold. He then carried him bringing him under the shower once again

"Are you serious?"

Jin just nodded seeing Jungkook's glowing face.

Jungkook then leaned for a kiss, Jin quickly responsed him back by wrapping his arms around his neck as they kisses eachother hungrily.

Jungkook pulls out after sometimes, smiling at blushing Jin before whispering something on his face,"I love you hyung. More than anything. I just love you like crazy"

"I love you too Jungkook", Jin replies

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