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"..w..what..?",Jin stopped twisting when he was suddenly being left by Jungkook dropping him into the water. His legs were raised a little for which he lost his control and completely dropped inside water.

He kicked his legs and hands   splashing water all over Jungkook. Jin then successfully gained his control as his feets finally touched the bottum now coughing out the water.

".. why .  .. did you do that?",Jin glared at him  still coughing.

"No comments",he just smirked at him and climbed off the pool. Jin glared at his back and wow his back was such a nice view that he couldnt deny it and when its all wet, water dripping from his back to his booty finally to his muscular thighs.

Jin shaked his head and climed off the pool too. Jungkook covered himself wearing bathrobe and went away leaving there Jin amused.

"Wow did he just ignored me after barking that he would fuck me? ",Jin angrily stepped outside stopping Jungkook by his arms.

"Yaah what did you just say? I'm not finished yet. You better explain it to me and apologize for your behaviours. I'm elder than you atleast have a respect",Jin made him turned towards him.

"Look at the mess you just created",he stared Jin from top to buttom for which Jin realized that his cloths were wet making floor all wet too.

".. forget about it just apologize to me",Jin left him and stood firm infront of him

"Why should I apologize for something I really meant?",he leaned to meet Jin's height his face bringing closer to him.

"What?",Jin furrowed his eyebrows in anger

"I really mean it"

"... did you really mean it when you said that you would kiss me till I get breathless or you would fuck....", Jin looked at the other side avoiding Jungkook's eyes as he noticed Jungkook enjoying repeating his words.

"Fuck what?",he brought his face more near making Jin to go back a little

"Fuck..me..",Jin mentally slapped himself for saying it loud as he saw Jungkook smirking fully as if he won the play.

" i can if you want. Right now , at this very moment I can just bend you down and make you scream pretty loud from that pretty mouth of your's. ",he smirked making Jin to slap his arms hard.

"Are you some sex sick person? Why do you always talk like a pervert also with some one who is just old enough to be your fa-"

"Just shut up. If you complete that word than I swear I'm gonna rip you down right here", Jungkook suddenly shouted harshly making Jin to jump a little on his feet. Jin had no idea why this boy is so hard to read, he always gets angry unexpectedly.

"What? I think you should just shut up instead. Why should I shut up? Its always you who makes me confuse everytime, who leaves me dumbfounded everywhere. And you? You never answer me back, making me restless everytime. I hated that feeling, and I really hate you at this very moment. Even now What are you angry for? Guess you wont tell me after all so just go the fuck away from here",Jin angrily brushed past Jungkook but Jungkook was fast to grab his wrist this time too.

"What now? ",Jin shouted at him but Jungkook just dragged him to the corner and pinned him on the wall. His one hand held up and pinned on the wall as Jungkook stares him blankly.

"Leave what do you think you are doing? I'm tolerating everything doesnt mean you can do anything you like. Leave me or else I'll kick your ass",Jin tried to let go of him but he was so strong also his grab was too tight.

"Hyung",he suddenly speak so low making Jin to looked at him who was just staring at him deeply.

"What?",Jin rolled his eyes

"I'm sorry"

"What",Jin just thought he heard something wrong

"I'm sorry that I lost my cool just now. But you should really avoid yourself from referring me as a kid. Even a moment ago, I know what you were talking about. I really hate that, I really hate that still I'm just a kid in your eyes. ",Jungkook said pinning his hand more up.

"What are you talking about?"

Jungkook now lifted Jin's chin with his finger,"stop treating me as a child. I want something more"

His voice was too low giving chills all inside Jin's body

"I fucking wasted 8 years so that I can have you all for me but you just made me furious. ",Jungkook made his hold on his chin frim since Jin tried to shake his head off from him.

"I dont understand",Jin could feel Jungkook's breathings on him

"You dont have to. I'll make you understand in a better way slowly. For now just be clear that I'm a grown man. And I'm more than capable of what you think", Jungkook slowly made his grip loose and finally left Jin. 

Jin took a long breath in relief not knowing what to say cause ofcourse he didnt understand anything. He just ran away from there and lock himself inside the bathroom.

"What he is upto? I really cant understand him?",Jin took a long breathes to calm himself down.

After changing he went to the bed straight since it was late already. Jungkook said he will use the couch so he slept in the bed instead with no worries thinking that he wont come inside the room  but poor boy, he was so wrong.

Jungkook came inside his room after he was fully asleep and sat beside him staring at him for hours. Jungkook was so obssessed with him that if he gets chance he can stare him even for a whole day. Jungkook just stared at him now his hand slowly caressing his cheeks.

"Hyung-ie You have become so beautiful. The more you grow old the more pretty you get. Just look at you how peacefully you are sleeping there and here I'm out of control already. Its getting hard hyung, what shall I do? Wont you help your Jungkookie to get rid of this pain?",Jungkook slowly thrusted his one finger inside Jin's mouth

"8 years. I yearned for you for  8 fucking years.... You have no idea how much I went through to get you, how desperately I wanted to grow big, how strong I wanted to be to make you mine. So now, its your turn hyung. You should know it better that you are mine",Jungkook now thrusted his three fingers inside his mouth

"So pretty. Perfect place for my dick. ",he pumped his fingers in and out making Jin to choke on his finger. His saliva dripping all over. Now slowly gaining his conciousness.

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