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"Will you not say even now? Why are you here looking like this?",Taehyung asked for the third time giving a glass of water to Jin who was sitting on his bed, nervously playing with his sweaty fingers.

"I said you already. I'm here see you",Jin forcefully smiled

"Really? And do you want me to believe that? You came here just to meet me wearing only a pyjama? Also bare footed? Wow strange",Taehyung said in amusement

"Believe me"

"Fine whatever you say",Taehyung said now sitting on the floor near Jin and keeping Jin's one leg on his thigh

"Its dirty. Dont touch it",Jin removed his legs from his thigh

"I dont care if its your's. "

"Hmm?",Jin blinked his eyes twice at him

"Nothing.",Taehyung stood up," you can use my bathroom to clean up "

"Auh alright. Thanks tae",Jin smiled at him and went inside the bathroom.

Jin was just washing his legs when he heard his phone ring. Luckily he kept his phone on his pyjama's pocket that he was wearing. If he would have known he have to run away from there, atleast he could have wore his slippers.

"Hello who is this?",Jin said picking up the call from an unknown number

"Where are you?",and the first thing Jin could hear was Jungkook growling on the phone

"Fuck it.. you even know my number?", Jin asked in amusement

"Well, I know much more about you. Now tell me where the hell are you? I'll come to pick you up"

"I'm at my friend's place also for tonight I'll be sleeping here. You dont have to come and pick me up. After what happened today I think I willnt be able to see your face for today so lets just be like this for today"

"I said where are you? I wont repeat it twice. Either comeback or tell me where exactly you are now. I need to explain everything"

"You dont have to...I..

"Jin hyung towel is here",Jin was just being cut off by Taehyung, who was outside the bathroom's door

"Wait.",Jin hung up the call on Jungkook to open the door for taehyung

"....Kim Taehyung?..",Jungkook furrowed,staring at his phone.

Jin was just inside bathroom when he heard someone knock on Taehyung's main door. Jin just cleaned himself not giving interest thinking it must be some friends or maybe relatives of Taehyung and it has to do nothing with him.

Taehyung opened the door, and as soon as he opened his door he saw a man in a black leather jacket,black frizzy messy hair, also a fresh cut mark near his eyes, right below his temple also bandages on his left hand, giving him a slight smirk, and there Taehyung froze in his state completely.

"Hello Kim Taehyung. Long time no see",Jungkook smiled mockingly and push past him going inside leaving  Taehyung there dumbfounded.

"How...why are you here?",Taehyung was shocked as he walked to meet Jungkook,pulling him by his arms.

"I dont have time for this, tell me where Jin hyung is",Jungkook roughly pulled his arms away from his hold

"What? No way...did you show yourself to hyung? Why?",Taehyung jaw remained wide open

" Why Is there any problem? We are just playing the play in our own good ways right? Just be a good boy you are pretending to be and I'll just do things I want to. Also if you try to come between us then...well you know what I'm capable of",Jungkook said again walking for some distance but again was being stopped by Taehyung's words

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