6K 333 36

AN: sorry I had to delete previous chapter.

Jungkook and Jin were just laying on the bed staring at the ceiling above them. After 5th, 6th,...round and so on they were completely exhausted and were just spacing out for sometimes.

"Hyungie?" Jungkook was first one to whine rolling over Jin and hugging him

"Leave! I'm tired ",Jin tried to push him off

"No!I wont .. you know right that I love you.. so much! I really really really love you..love you..you and you..",Jungkook whined placing his hand behind Jin's head and pulling him to his chest. Jin didnt complain this time and just hugged him back

"I love you too my idiot",Jin chuckled his arms wrapping around Jungkook's waist

"So then tell me"

"Tell what?",Jin raised his head in confusion

"About Yoona"

"God Jk, why are you asking about her again? Werent you the one who said that things like this should remain in the past itself for good.",Jin grumbles making his hug loose

"Nono..Its ok if you dont want to talk about it. Dont get mad..its just I cant help but to get jealous over it. Well can I ask? If you have ever dated someone when I wasnt around?"

"Woah..getting jealous over a fact that I just had crush on someone? Well its all useless now cause it was a long time ago! And no I have never dated before...be happy cause its my first! It just happened to be you.. the guy I like, the guy whom I kissed, the guy whom I had sex with.",Jin made his hug tight

"How did it happen? I mean I was a freak..I terrified you so many times. You happen to witness my worst, even though?"

"Hahaa! I think thats the only reason why I like you more and more. Right you are a freak who have control over my body and heart. I just cant believe I am dating a  kid who was once..."

"Hyung",Jungkook stopped him in annoyance,"I am warning you, I'm not a kid. I'm all grown up. Grown up enough to take care of you"

"Hmm.. let me finish first Jungkook. I wasnt complete yet. It's fact that you are younger than me, a lot more than anyone imagines. I still remember you clinging on my shirt, your tiny arms trying to wrap around my waist. But now look at you. You are all grown up to hold me complete."

"Well Jungkook can you just answer me one thing? Why the hell are you so obsessed with someone like me? Isnt it so tiring? On the top of that I'm a man, not even a girl"

"Oh hyung! You are prettier than any other girls out there. And I dont care for what you are, your gender, your age and whatever. It doesnt matter to me if its you", Jungkook replied without hesitation making his heart to flutter giving him butterflies inside

"Silly",Jin giggled throwing his hand over his chest

"So tell me about yourself hyung. I wanna listen about everything that has happened in your life. Dont even miss out those tiny little things. I want to know, know everything about you",Jungkook said leaving Jin and moving little to the side to witness Jin's smiling face

"Hmm..but you know almost everything about me! Lets us take it slow.. lets learn about eachother slowly, its fun in that way"

Jin then saw Jungkook frowning in his answer but didnt know why. His expression changed and he seems more serious than expected

"What happened? Whats wrong?",Jin asked worriedly

"Why??" ,Jungkook keept his hand on Jin's cheeks,"Why dont you ask about me? "

Jin gasped, the moment his warm hand landed on his cheeks so softly. With smile on his face he replied,"Because I trust you"


"I trust you Jungkook. I believe that you'll overcome every misfortunes that ruined your life and will tell me everything once you are finally done. I guess it must have been really hard for you to even think about your past knowing the fact that you are still pining along with it. I atleast should understand this much that how tough you are being on yourself trying to hide your pain within yourself. I know that it isnt some mere glitch to be forgotten so easily. You lost your childhood Jungkook..and comeon you dont have to rash things. Come to me once you are ready. I'll be waiting for you,  ready to hear you out anytime..."

Jin wasnt even finished when suddenly he saw Jungkook crying out of nowhere. Oh yes he was crying, closing his eyes tight even though his tears were rolling out like crazy through his shut eyes. He clenched his lips trying hard not to sob his hand leaving Jin's cheeks and going for his own face instead

"I..I'm sorry..",Jungkook muttered placing his both palm on his face to hide his tears

"Its ok baby. Its ok to cry",Jin placed his hand on Jungkook's head pulling him into a hug. This time Jungkook was on Jin's chest instead making him to feel so small. It was his first time to witness Jungkook cry like this, it hurts to see him cry even though its better if he takes everything out rather than keeping it for himself

"I'm....sorry",Jungkook finally broke down completely. Wailing loudly, crying his heart out while hugging Jin back

"You did well Jungkook..",Jin caressed his hair while resting his chin on his head,"You grew up real good and Thankyou.. thankyou for doing well  till now. Also I'll be always grateful with the fact that you came back to me so fine. But for now please dont hold yourself back kookie. Comeon yell, yell everything out. Just take it out, take everything out that you have been hiding in your heart for this past 8 years. "

"My heart hurts so much,you as a kid had to endured so many things and I feel like crying everytime when I see those scars in you kookie. It..it must have been really hard for you to have your hurtful past engraved in yourself. Your traumatized past, your ruined childhood, your broken heart please cry them out. Cry out everything and try to forget about every painful memories if possible"

"I wont leave you this time...I will never ever leave you alone again. I promise!",Jin hugged Jungkook patting his head from back while Jungkook just cried louder clutching Jin tight

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