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"Woah! 12 more buildings like this?",Jin nearly passed out once again, his jaw dropped down from the beginning.

"You are kidding me right?"

"No. I'm not"

"What..how..why didnt you tell me any sooner?",Jin was so shocked

"Cause you didnt ask"

"Should I have to ask everything to know about you? Cant you just say it by yourself?? Come to think about it, I think its just so unfair, you know everything about me but I know nothing about you. I just find you so secretive, why is has to be like that?",Jin said in dissapointment looking Jungkook's head slowly tilting down

"Why are you hiding yourself now?"

"Hyung",Jungkook called him softly while holding his hands so delicately,"Its just not for me. Its for us. All those things that I own is particularly only for you. I want you to be happy, I want you to have everything you want. Beside I really want to protect you with all what I got. You dont have to know anything about me, just keep in your heart that I like you... I like you so freaking much that I think I will go crazy. And to be with you, I can do anything..."

"Anything",Jungkook raised his head, meeting his eyes with Jin

Jin didnt have anything to say as once again Jungkook left him without any words, so he just kept on staring at him blankly.

"Auh by the way, I want to inform you that I have to go out for now",Jungkook said standing up

"Where?",Jin stood up too this time. He whimpered a little as his ass  hurts a lot since he sat on his bed for too long.

"As you know now that I'm really rich. I've some works to do inorder to be with you more",Jungkook said leaning near Jin, Jin flinched back a little when Jungkook just brought his face so near.

"What?",Jin said in his face

"You must be feeling really lucky right now isnt it?",Jungkook smirked,"Well someone this handsome,who is fucking rich, who also happens to tatto your name on his knuckle, more than that who is really sexy is just so  obsessed with you just like that. You must be feeling like you in some mountain right?"

"Shut up. As if",Jin rolled his eyes at him while ignoring him and going out

"Woah its my first time seeing you in suit Jungkook",Jin exclaimed when he saw Jungkook fixing his tie.

"Do I look rich now?",Jungkook winked at him while putting on his sleeves button.

"Auh well!!You look good. But how about we remove that earrings? You have too many piercings for real. Also how about you comb your hair more neatly? Like a gentle man huh? ",Jin Eomma mode was on just like that so Jungkook just ignored him, acting like he didnt hear any of it.

"Also Yoongi said earlier..",Jin followed Jungkook everywhere who was just really trying to avoid him,"That we can remove one's tatto from his body for real. His friend works on tatto shop, we can get appointment and..."

"Stop following,will you?", Jin just collided on Jungkook when Jungkook suddenly stopped walking while turning back at Jin. He was just following him from back that he got bumped into him suddenly.

Jin whined rubbing his forehead.

"Do you want me to remove your name from me?",Jungkook raised his eyesbrows at him.

"Not...really? But the one in your arms..",Jin tilted his head to the side.

"Try again later. I'm late",Jungkook smiled at him while ruffling his hair for the last time and going towards the door. Jungkook just reached the door when Jin came running,stopping him while blocking his way standing infront of the door.

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