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"Where are you hyung?",Jungkook gritted his teeth in anger this time  being more impatience. He was in verge of losing his cool any time when Jin was taking long than expected to return back.

"Kookie I'm going to get some jellies",Jungkook remembered Jin putting on his shoes hurriedly. Before he could say anything Jin just ran away.

Jungkook didnt mind first cause the store Jin mentioned was near to the hotel they were staying. Jin didnt even dressed up to go there cause it was literally a min way. And the fact just scared Jungkook more.

10 min, 30 min, slowly an hour passed but Jin didnt return. Jungkook cant even call him since he left his phone on the bed.

"I said I fucking want to check the footage.",Jungkook shouted roughly ready to throw hands at the control managers. Shop owner already informed that Jin bought some packets of jellies and checked out an hour ago. After talking to the owner it made Jungkook more and more worried. If it wasnt Yoongi with him then god knows what he might have done already.

"Jungkook cool down. Its been only an hour. They have their own policy so it might be difficult. Why dont we check  near the beach or other places?",Yoongi placed his hand on Jungkook's back trying to calm him down.

"Shit I should had never left him alone in the first place",he takes a deep sigh to control his anger

Yoongi couldnt understand it. Jin was an adult. It was no way that he can get lost. He didnt know why Jungkook was getting overprotective over him. He doesnt have a single clue about it.  It was all because he doesnt know yet who Jin is. Jin is the one- only one that can change the fates of two mafia bosses. He never knew that Jin was the perfect bait to lure two of the most powerful beings.

After not getting any sight of Jin for almost like 4 hours managers finally let them check their footages. At the video they clearly saw him coming out but not going in. Jungkook was ready to kill everyone flipping over all the computers of the room.

"Fuck if something happens to him then I'm telling you, I am gonna kill you all. Son of bitches",Jungkook yelled pulling out his cell phone from the pocket before storming out of the room.

"I sincerely apologize for this",Yoongi cleaned the messes Jungkook just did,"See I am from police" he said showing them his identity card

"I will make sure to pay for this. I am really really sorry once again",he bowed to them before following Jungkook from behind

"Yaaah kiddo. What the hell was that? Why are you being so rude huh? I know you care about Jin but this is wrong...",Yoongi stopped once he reached back of Jungkook who was just talking on his phone

"I am trusting you Hoseok-sii"

"Hoseok? I have heard this name before ....but where?",Yoongi scratched his head

"Auh forget it! ",Yoongi dropped it when he saw Jungkook turning at him

"Oh..Jungkook?",Yoongi clearly saw Jungkook making worried face who was just about to cry,"Well..I can ask for my team to search on him if you want. Just relax ok! I know how Jin is. He might have just lost his way or saw something that distracted him. But seeing how impatience you are getting I can atleast do that much for you"

"No",Jungkook placed his hand on Yoongi's shoulder,"Police shouldnt get involved. Never",he said in a sharp tone making Yoongi speechless so he just nodded not knowing what he means

"My manager will be here by any time. You just stay inside your room. I'll do further- wait",Jungkook stopped once he realized what he just saw that was something familiar earlier

"What?",Yoongi brushed his hands off from him

"I think I saw someone I know..Earlier on the footage... ",Jungkook tried to remember it more clear

"It...it was..TAEHYUNG'S MAN",Jungkook furrowed once he realized he saw Taehyung's man but was too worked up that it slipped out from his mind

"Manager??Taehyung's man?? what the hell are you saying? Hmm but Its good no if he is with Taehyu-

"Taehyung...Kim fucking Taehyung took him",Jungkook suddenly shouted right on Yoongi's face which made flinch back

"I-",Yoongi frowned

Hello my readers! Those days I know I am being lazy and update pretty late. I am sorry for slacking off and will try to update everything soon.❤ love from heya❤❤❤

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