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"I heard you are moving out? ",Taehyung handed Jin a warm cup of tea which was his fav

"Thankyou Tae. ",Jin smiled at him who was pulling a new chair next to him

"Its true. I dont want to be in that place anymore. I get nighmares every now and then and it just freaks me out. After my landlord's incident I just freak out when everything there reminds me of that horrifying scene. So, I just wanted to move out as soon as possible. I finally got a new apartment also in such a cheap amount. ", Jin took a sip of his tea and focused back at his paper.

Taehyung smiled looking at him, atleast seeing him have a proper meal makes him satisfied more than enough since Jin makes himself so busy that he skips his meals often. So its Taehyung duty to call him even when he is working and forced him to eat with him.

"Should I help you then? I want to see your new place also you might need someone to help you with your things in new place"

"No, actually I had to share that apartment with someone. You know I cant afford to buy a whole apartment but one of them offered me it in a reasonable price but I had to share it. Its not bad anyways. What will I do alone with a whole apartment only by myself?So just for one day let me check how this guy is.", Jin stood up holding his cup.

"Where are you going? Break isnt over yet", Taehyung grabbed his coat.

"Well actually I need to go somewhere. Sorry, I'm going or else I'll be late",Jin ran away making Taehyung amused.

"Hyung when will I even have a chance ?",he sighed.

Jin was sitting on a big room nervously playing with his coat's sleeves. He came to that orphanage where Jungkook, one of the victim was later taken away from his place. He was just waiting for the head nun also the main caretaker of Jungkook. He find out after going through Jungkook's profiles of 8 years ago and he came here to know about what actually happened to him after that.

Suddenly he was curious about him out of nowhere and he didnt know why? Someone just reminded me of him even though there would be no any connections betweem them.

"Aigoo who is that handsome kid?",Jin heard a lady speak and when he lifted his head to see, she was an old lady dressed in nun's outfit. So she was the one who looked after Jungkook?

"Ajummah",Jin came closer to her himself since she was on wheelchair.

"I heard you wanted to meet me? Whats the matter my child?",she holded his hand softly.

Jin smiled at her since it reminded him of his late mom.

"Ajumma, Sorry for such a hassle but I had to come here since you can only answer my question",Jin holded her hand back.

"Its ok my child. Go on"

"I heard you were the caretaker of one of the kid who was the victim of child's kidnapping case 8 years ago. His name was Jeon Jungkook. I just wanted to know what happened to him to these days? He got a new family or? "

"Jungkook...", she frowned just by hearing his name.

"Yes Jungkook. Do you remember him?"

"Why are you searching for that evil being?",she said in disgust and hate making Jin confused.


"Can you tell me your name?",she ignored his question and questioned back

"..My name is Jin. Kim seok Jin and I..

"Run away. ", she holded his hand tight bringing closer to her chest as soon as she heard his name

"Yeah?",he was so confused

"Run away child. Run away or else He will come for you. That kid isnt kid anymore. He is a pure defination of evil, he ... he will kill everyone...everyone who gets in his way. No mercy, no fear, ..he ..he is just a satan himself.",she hugged her hand ,"run away my child"

"What are you saying?"

"My legs.. do you know why couldnt I walk? ",she arched her eyebrows at him

"How could I know?",Jin was getting more and more confused

"Cause that night...that night I tried to stop him from running away towards you...he.. he broke my legs.. not only that.. he..he nearly killed me..that was when he flew away somewhere after other nuns tried to stop him...after that.. after that we dont know what happened to that child. Its just...he was so obssessed with you. ",she let out tears as she had a glimpse of what happened to her that day

"Absurd. How can a mere child even break someone's leg? I know he was so into me after I saved him but..."

"He hit my legs with chair,child. I swear. I screamed and cried but he just gave me a creepy smile in reponse. How can someone be like that? He was just 14 at that time. Guess what might have been he turned into?

"But...  he was good when he was with me. He.. he was a good boy, his smile I still remember his smile. His smile was filled with pure innocence when he was with me... ",Jin remembered small Jungkook's soft giggles when he used to pet with his hair. No way that small boy can do something like that.

"It was just a show. Inside that innocent looking smile hides his real face. His real evil face",she said for the last time making Jin more shocked before she was being taken away by another nun

" sorry, she is not in her right mind after that incident. ",he heard the guard say

"Auh?? Its ok",he smiled at him and went away

"I'm here.. this building is so freaking tall. I'm just about to go inside my apartment. I'm so excited taetae",Jin excitedly opened the door of his new apartment and as soon as he opened his door he was being greeted by that creepy boy once again sitting on a couch straight to him giving him a slight smirk while spreading his leg.

Jin narrowed his eyebrows at him. He met him once again and what the actual fuck? It was his new place

"Tae I'll call back later",Jin cut the call and came closer to Jungkook who was just staring at him without saying anything 

"Hey what ...what are you doing at my place? How the fuck did you get inside? You were a pervet now even stalking? You will be really put behind the bars for this",Jin glared at him

"Woah woah take it easy",he got up from his sit before coming closer to him

"Easy my foot. Tell me why are you here?"

"Hmm... well this is my place too",he smirked making Jin's eyes to go wide open

"In clear words we are roommates"


"Lets have a lot of fun. Jin hyung",he bited his lips making Jin to drop his phone in the floor.

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