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Jungkook pulled Taehyung away from Jin, throwing him on the ground at once. Taehyung growled in pain then only he realized what he just did. He lost his mind and Jungkook just made him realize for what was he doing with Jin. He was hurting him.

"Jungkook I..Jin hyung..",Taehyung tried to get up but Jungkook smacked him down on the ground once again.

"How dare you!",Jungkook eyes turned dark, his anger having no limits as he climbs over Taehyung while grabbing his collar and pulling him towards him.

"How dare of you to hurt Jin hyung!",Jungkook screamed while throwing punches at Taehyung.

"I'll kill you...I'll kill you for real this time",Jungkook growled like a mad dog, punching Taehyung again and again.

"SON OF A BITCH!", Jungkook yelled now leaving his collar and going for his neck. Jungkook squeezed his neck wanting him to strangle to death. Taehyung slapped his hands several times as it was difficult for him to breath already but Jungkook didnt spare him

"Jung...jungkook..leave him..he'll die..Jungkook-ah please",Jin came running,grabbing Jungkook's arms trying to stop him

"Let go",Jungkook pulled his hands away from Jin that Jin just lost his balance and fell down on the ground on his ass. Jin whimpered but Jungkook wasnt even near on leaving Taehyung as he was determined to kill him today.

"JUNGKOOK Stop! He's dying",Jin yelled tears flowing down like crazy when once he saw Taehyung turning black and blue.

"I WONT..I'LL FUCKING KILL THIS TWO FACED RAT TODAY! HOW DARE HE TOUCH YOU, HOW DARE HE HURT YOU", Jungkook shouted while Taehyung was just about to die because of him

"This won't do.. I think I'm being easy on him. I...I'll rather chop him into pieces or just burn him down alive",Jungkook then left him and thankgod Taehyung wasnt dead yet as he coughed for air tossing around as soon as Jungkook left him

"What should I do with him? What should I...?",Jungkook placed his both hands on his head while looking around, snarling like a wolf.

Jungkook stopped and smiled creepily once his eyes met a table behind him.

"No..Jungkook No",Jin got up fast running over to Jungkook who was already carrying that big wooden table like it weighs nothing.

"Move",Jungkook growled when Jin blocked his way

"Stop! You may be charged for real if something bad happens to him. I..I will be the witness Jungkook. How will I handle this later?Beside I dont want you to hurt anyone. Please, let's talk",Jin begged spreading his arms to the fullest

"I dont care! I'll kill him for sure",Jungkook got a chance to escape out. He then came infront of Taehyung and was just about to hit him while he was lying on the ground holding his neck still.

But Jin hugged him from back real quick, when his hands were already up to throw the table at Taehyung.

"Jungkook-ah..",Jin sobbed burrowing his face on Jungkook's back.

Jungkook stopped for once.

"Look at me...please look at me..I'm hurt...I'm really hurt..I want you to look at me..I need you to take care of me...I need you..Please I really need you",Jin hugged him even tight while begging him from back

Jungkook then slowly brought his hands down when Jin was talking to him so softly on his back. His legs trembled when he slowly came back to normal. And once he was back completely, he threw his table on the side, now screaming to himself

"Relax...I'm here..It will be ok",Jin assured him from back while Jungkook was just screaming to calm himself down while crying out very loudly.

Taehyung got a chance and stood up slowly while still breathing heavily. He then saw Jungkook crying and screaming while Jin was hugging him from back. Jin peeked from the side and gestured Taehyung to go away with his mouth.

"Sorry...I'm really sorry Jin Hyung",Taehyung whispered going away from them. It was true that Taehyung felt so guilty throughout the way with the fact that he just tried to hurt Jin, the one whom he loved so much. Even if Jungkook had killed him for real today, he would have rather be very satisfied cause it serves right to him.


"I said bring your ass here",Jungkook growled pulling Jin on his lap who was just whining about himself being fine

"I said I'm fine",Jin pouted while sitting on Jungkook's lap

"Who said you are fine? ",Jungkook then kept him beside of him while placing his one leg under his own thighs to trap him in his place. He then came closer to Jin while applying jel on his bruise on his lips.

"Aah that sting",Jin whimpered closing his eyes tight

"Then who told you to get hurt in first place?"

"You are so mean Jungkook. Can't you talk little softly? I'm sick right now",Jin whined

"How did you become a police when you can't even protect yourself? ", Jungkook said trying to apply his medicine again

"I know right. Well, I got lowest of all in my physical test. Luckily my mind saved me. I must say I'm not a good fighter..or its just that the people around me is rather crazily strong? I really dont know",Jin shrugged making Jungkook to chuckle finally

"There you go. You aren't mad anymore right?",Jin giggled once he saw Jungkook smiling

"Mad? I was angry to death hyung. That Taehyung guy would have died if you werent there to stop me",Jungkook rolled his eyes at him,"By the way report him"


"Report him. Dont you know he can be put inside jail for this. Atleast for 3 years? What he did was physical abuse, sexual abuse, breaking into someone house..",Jungkook said counting on his hand for how many cases Taehyung can be charged for

"Really?",Jin folded his arms now,"Then how about I report you too? You also kissed me without my consent. Remember? First,Physical abuse! When you threw me on the bed for countless times also one time you just handcuffed me. Second sexual abuse. I dont know what what dirty things you did with me also threatened me to it for you. "

"Auh..that was...I..Let's just treat your wound then",Jungkook ignored him while pulling Jin from his cheeks

"Lastly, about yesterday. I can put you on jail atleast for 8 years",Jin slapped his hands away

"What?",Jungkook chuckled in amusement.

"Let me remind you properly Mr. Kim Seok Jin-sii but you literally begged me to fuck you. ",Jungkook raised his eyebrows at Jin who just gulped harder in realization.


Hy, Hope you enjoyed the update. I'll comeback after a week till then stay safe, stay healthy!
I purple you💜💜

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