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"I told you already that I'm fine

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"I told you already that I'm fine. Stop embarassing me now",Jin whined slapping Jungkook's hands away from his cheeks.

Jin was so embarassed to even show his face to them right now. Being a tough police guy he just fainted when he saw two boys fighting and covered in blood. Its just that his heart went too fragile when he saw his two loving ones like that.

"Hyung you really passed out just by seeing us fight? Well, you are too weak to be a police,isnt it?",Taehyung laughed from the other side,gaining deadly glares from Jungkook.

"Is something funny here? What are you doing here even now? Are you planning to settle here with us or what?",Jungkook said pissing off Taehyung

"What's your problem kiddo? Why are you picking on me again?",Taehyung glared him back

"Stop",Jin ordered sitting straight gesturing with his both palms to stop, to them who were just sitting at the either sides of him. Jin was just so done with them cause they were arguing for some small things again and again.

"What are you two? Kids? Why did you fight in first place anyways? Also a knife? Is that your playing thing or what?",Jin folded his arms, looking at both of them turn by turn

"Sorry, I started fight first. I thought he was some robber trying to steal something from me",Jungkook said in a mocking tone staring at Taehyung

"Oh really? Well, talking about me I thought he was a pervet, breaking into someone's house with his dirty intentions",Taehyung said in a same tone that Jungkook just used.

"But you two met already"

"Did we?"

"Did we?", they both said in a sync leaving Jin dumbfounded.

"Guess I have nothing else to say then",Jin then quietly examined Jungkook and Taehyung having a staring contest.

"I'm hungry",Jin whined after sometimes but they didnt even hear him, ignoring him completely

"Are these two fighting with their eyes now?...I said I'm hungry",Jin screamed.

They both looked back at Jin now, their full attention on him.

"Oi boy",Jungkook called Taehyung

"What?",Taehyung replied

"Didnt you hear what he just said? He is hungry go bring something to eat from kitchen",Jungkook mouthed him the way. 

"Why dont you do it? Its your place",Taehyung frowned

"Aah, then why dont you go back to your own place?",Jungkook folded his arms

"Stop it already",Jin was just so tired of them

"Ok fine.. Fine I'll go bring them",Taehyung said storming out of the room and bringing some foods from the kitchen.

Taehyung was just inside the room when Jungkook came running, snatching away food tray from him.

"Good job",Jungkook then pushed him away with his hips before coming near to Jin.

"That kid. How nerve racking",Taehyung flinched to the side  a  little and sighed in frustation

"Here eat well and get well soon hyungie",Jungkook smiled at Jin trying to make him eat

"Wait, let me treat your wounds first. Go bring first aid box from the drawer", Jin ordered him while keeping his food tray down

"Should I bring that too?",Taehyung raised his eyebrows

"Should I then?",Jungkook tilted his head to the side

Taehyung just followed what he said and brought first aid box from the drawer. He was just about to sit at the other side from where Jungkook was sitting, Jungkook again came fast running, pushing him again.

Taehyung nearly fell down this time but wall infront of him saved him as he kept his hands on the wall for support.

"What the hell are you doing kiddo?",Taehyung growled turning back at Jungkook. But Jungkook already sat on his spot with box on his hand

"Goo away. Go get treatment in your home. This isnt your hospital",Jungkook shoo him off

"Yaah what's wrong with you Jungkook? Wait for your turn. I dont know what your problems are for real,",Jin scolded him

"Its ok hyung. I'll see you later. I have an appointment for now"

"But how will you manage to go in this situation? You are literally bleeding everywhere"

"I..",Taehyung was just not even finished talking Jungkook was being a rude brat already.

"He will manage it dont worry. Pay attention to me only. Here, it pains here so much hyung. ",Jungkook took Jin's hand showing him his wounds

"See you later then",Taehyung bowed down for the last time

"Why would you see him later? Just get lost already",Jungkook made his faces

"Aish this kid",Jin facepalmed feeling so done with Jungkook.

Just like that Taehyung went away and Jungkook was just showing him his wounds everywhere. And everyone knows he was just seeking for attention, cause he isnt the type who gets hurt just by this much of beatings.

"It pains here too",Jungkook showed him his abs now lifting his shirt up,making Jin red

"Just do it yourself then",Jin threw bandages on Jungkook's face

"Oh come on", Jungkook whined

"Do it yourself Jeon Jungkook. Also what the fuck did you just do? Who the fuck told you can do something like that in my laptop? You are messing up with my work and that's really upsetting"

"Sorry...sorry-naah..Sorry huh?",Jungkook giggled turning into a bunny now and Jin had nothing to say but sigh again and again.

"I just wanted to spend maximum time with you hyung. How about we  go somewhere, only you and me? Like some holiday trip?"

"Who will pay for us Jungkook? I'm literally a bankrupt and you are just a child. Where will I bring all those money from?",Jin sighed once again

"Its ok. I've lots of money",Jungkook replied

"How much?",Jin giggled listening at younger's cute reply. He just thought that Jungkook was trying to be cute,and nothing else.

"Atleast a lot that I own this whole building?"


A/n: I dont know what I'm doing here. Jungkook is being sweet freak instead of sick freak day by day😂 but dont you worry cause psycho Jungkook will comeback once again with a baaam. This one is short chapter, hope you enjoy well💜💜

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