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Jungkook was really excited when Jin finally agreed to go on a vacation. It wasn't easy to make him agree though, but once Jungkook convinced him that he can lead this vacation and everything will go according to his plans,he finally agreed on it. Jin planned the whole thing by himself and Jungkook was just happily packing his things without asking much

"Jungkook! Can I go out for sometimes? I'm being called in my office",Jin said opening the door of their room where Jungkook was just humming some music while packing his bag

"What? Dont go",Jungkook whined running over him and hugging his arms,"Don't Go. Dont leave me even for a second"

"What a baby aigoo", Jin giggled patting Jungkook's hair,"Hyung will be back soon. I promise"

"Alright then! I'll give you sometimes. Come back in 30 minutes. If you become late even by a minute then you know it well for what's gonna happen next",Jungkook pulled Jin from his same arms that he just collided with him

Jin blushed with the tip of his nose going red when Jungkook just leaned closer, their noses pressing eachother's.

Jin just cant understand Jungkook's mood everytime. A second ago, he was acting like a child and in a blink he is acting like a freak.

"What will happen next?",Jin smirked looking straight at Jungkook's eyes, provoking him very well.

"Getting daring huh? ",Jungkook chuckled before pulling Jin more into him that Jin breath just hissed when Jungkook's lips nearly touched his 

"Well, comeback a minute late and see it by yourself. ",Jungkook leaned on his ears, almost pressing his lips on it

"By the way, bring some lube while returning",Jungkook grin on his ears and Jin just got literal chills all over his body when Jungkook whispered so hotly.

"W-what? But.. My ass..I mean you promised to wait till I get well. My ass still hurts like crazy. Its all your fault though, if you had gone easy on me on my first time then I shouldn't have been waiting it for so long",Jin  slapped his hands on his lips fast in sudden realization for what he just said.

"So baby you are waiting for me to fuck you again?",Jungkook smirked

"N-no, I'm late. Please let me go",Jin tried to shake him off

"Dont worry baby! I have plans. A great plan. On our vacation, I'll make you feel the heaven. You'll enjoy this vacation well and I promise you'll never forget this short trip",Jungkook bited his lips staring at Jin's lips trembling 

Jin didnt have anything to say when he got scared. Scared in a good way just by thinking what will be Jungkook doing with him. Jin then felt Jungkook loosening his grip for which he got the chance so he hurriedly shaked his arms off from him.

"Goodbye then",Jin escaped and as soon as he came out from his building the first thing he did was place his palm on his chest and he swear his heart's gonna really comeout from its actual place any sooner


Jin silently sat next to Taehyung. Taehyung nervously took another sip of his coffee again glancing back at quiet Jin. Jin looked over his watch on his wrist and saw 15 mins gone already.

Taehyung texted Jin begging him to meet him for the last time, Jin didnt wanted to go but for some reason he still wants to listen Taehyung and hoped he had his own reasons for doing so.

He just lied to Jungkook first cause he may never allow him to meet Taehyung. Rather he will go wild.

"So hyung" , Taehyung finally called Jin after noticing Jin looking over his watch again and again

"Yeah? Yes",Jin snapped out into reality

"Thankyou for giving me some time. I'm really thankful that you actually came",Taehyung nervsouly smiled

"You dont have to thanks me Tae. Once you were also my best buddy, same as Yoongi. Anyways, I'm here to listen you for the last time. Dont dissapoint me and tell me for why did you call me here. Atleast I can listen you properly for the last time and try to hate you less."

"I know. I did something horrible. I tried to hurt you. And I swear I'm really angry over myself for that. ",Taehyung said his eyes turning down in sadness

"I was mad hyung. I was really mad when I saw you in Jungkook's dress. You may not believe but I really like you to death. More than anything...I know how could you even know when I never confessed it properly. Even if I have confessed then its your choice whether to accept it or not but when I realized you slept with Jungkook...I was just mad and happen to lose my mind"

"I was sorry. I was really sorry for that. Believe me I never wanted to hurt you.. Please forgive me. No dont forgive me but still hate me less."

" I'm really sorry. ", Taehyung bowed down at him several times

"Like I said. Its my last time listening to you. Similarly, you'll be also listening to me for the very last time. So listen to me carefully Taehyung",Jin said fixing his eyes at Taehyung now

"Jungkook... he was just a kid when I first found him. I dont know what happened, how come a small kid happened to like a man like me but still he did. He liked me and wanted to be liked back. He trusted me, yet I pushed him away when he wanted nothing else but just a little love from me. He begged several times not wanting to leave me but I was the bad one, I abandoned him, and it still breaks my heart like crazy"

"I,with my heavy heart for past 8 years searched him everywhere when I could no longer atone for my sins. But unfortunately, he found me first. If I was the first one to find him then atleast I would have an excuse for myself to feel less burden but gladly he didnt hated me or resented me for long. He still loves me, still the same. He wants me and my attention only for him. The only thing he wants is me and my love. "

"So what I'm trying to say is Taehyung, I won't repeat that same mistake again that left me empty for so many years. I finally found Jungkook, or rather he found me but whatever the case is I just dont want to leave him now. I dont want him to be alone again,I dont want to abandon him or neither I want him to leave me."

" And I hope you understood what I mean. Also,I'm no longer angry with you Taehyung. It may sound silly but you just reminded me of Jungkook when you forced me that day. Jungkook ...that brat was the same, when I couldn't give him much attention he needed he just used to get violent so many time. The way you behaved, Jungkook used to do the same except for calling me slut.",Jin finally finished his explanation but  didnt know that his tears were already flowing down on his cheeks, so he just wiped it away

"Still. Tell me clearly, the main thing you wanted to convey behind this whole story",Taehyung knew but still he wanted to listen it with Jin's own lips.

"I just want you to know that I choose Jungkook. No matter what, its only Jungkook now and forever"

Hy I had this one on draft! I just couldnt help but to update😂😂 , see you next week! Purple you! 💜

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