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"Where is Jungkook?",Yoongi handed Jin a warm cup of tea and placed some cookies on the couch beside him.

"Is he still mad? Well, I can apologize if you want", Yoongi placed his hand on his chest.

Jin chuckled,"Nono! " he then pressed his hand over Yoongi's shoulder," We took care of it already. He is just taking a nap right now. He might have been feeling really tired since he cried a lot. Almost for a whole night"

"What? He cried? Omg is it because of me?"

"Nono- don't worry yoon. I'll explain it to you later. Imma go now. He'll need me if he wakes up",Jin stood up to go

"You really love that kid huh",Yoongi grinned making Jin to blush to his ears but didnt response anything and just ran away to his room. He heard yoongi shout from behind teasing him nonstop but he just blushed and ran away without responsing back.

"That boy really likes to tease me",Jin placed his palms on his cheeks as soon as he closed the door behind his back. He was blushing and smiling alone. He then shaked his head and looked at the bed. He noticed Jungkook was still sleeping.

He came near and saw him snoring so cutely while sleeping with his arms and legs open on the bed.
"Gosh am I really dating this man?",Jin smiled rubbing the tip of his nose

Jungkook suddenly moved a little while scratching his chest area. Jin gulped down when he noticed his robe's belt loosening ,more near to expose him naked.

"Shit",Jin tried to look at the other side but he couldn't. His eyes got fixed in his broad muscular chest and while he was sleeping showing all his thick thighs, Jin just lost it.

"What are you doing Jin? He is sleeping",he mentally slapped himself cause he was getting hard just by seeing Jungkook exposed

"Beside we did it for the whole night. No Jin,You are not a pervert",Jin slapped himself for real this time," But come to think about it. It's always me who asked him to fuck me. Yes it's  always me",he whined throwing his legs in the air feeling ashamed of himself.

But that didn't cure his already hard member and desire to have sex so he slowly made a move towards Jungkook and sat beside him. He then placed his palm on jungkook's cheeks for which he whimpered a little.

"So cute",Jin pouted seeing how cute his boyfriend was

"Baby I am sorry ok. Just for once, let me do this just for once",Jin now climbed above Jungkook. He knew what he was doing, he knew it can wake Jungkook up even though he just couldn't stop himself.

He then placed his hand over his thighs, spreading it more he now kneeled down between his thighs. "I am a monster", Jin wanted to stop but to him it was too late as his hands now went to his belt stripping him naked.

Jin took a deep sigh cause he wasn't wearing his boxer. He was naked plus asleep and that just turned Jin on more and more. He then reached his hand over his own pants , unzipping it he threw his pants outside the bed and did the same with his boxer.

"Oh god",he found it so hard. Without delaying he grabbed his own length and slowly started to rub it against Jungkook's thighs.

"What the hell am I doing? ", A moan escaped from his lips as he began to stroke his member against Jungkook's cock. Taking both of the lengths in his hand he played with them while rubbing them against each other. He loved it, he love the feel he was getting. He was just getting more and more aroused.

"Oh baby look what you made me do",Jin Moans became more loud. His one hand was playing with the cock while his other free hand was now going for his clothed nipple pinching it himself while his gaze never leaving Jungkook's innocent face.

Jin closed his eyes as he began to feel his member twitch. He was feeling proud that he dint wake Jungkook up but suddenly he was left off guard when he heard a shocking scream making him to loosen his grip on the cocks.


Jin opened his eyes wide. He nearly passed out when he saw Jungkook staring at him with rage.

It's raw will edit later-

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