Chapter Seven

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Jay paid little atention to Al's speech; it was mostly, "Welcome to Larinus, you're in Prophecy's lab, you're never getting out, blah blah blah."

Jay was moreso listening to Stevie, who had decided that now was a good time to tell Jay about her...feelings.

"I just feel like everybody's cooler than me." Stevie mumbled. "you're an owl and a leopard, Goose is a goose and a raccoon, Aelia's a scorpion and a dingo...I feel so useless!"

"You have the ability to be an angry red panda." Jay offered. "If it helps. Nobody will ever match your fury levels."

Jay could see Stevie fight a smile.

"Hey, I hate Al, But I'm glad he made you a red panda. You are very cute. And have very soft hair." Jay twined her fingers in Stevie's hair.

"You should be careful about that." Stevie murmured. "He seems dangerous."

"I can take Al." Jay sat back.

Jay heard all saying, "...And so you can refer to me as 'The Boss'." And found it appropriate to intervene.

"You're not the boss of us, Al!" Jay shouted.

Al scowled. "Watch your mouth." He growled.

Jay saw movement flicker in the dark corners of the room as rebellion and defiance flared through her.. "Why should I?"

"I run this whole operation!" Al snarled.

"So? What're you going to do, give me another tail?" Jay shouted again.

And then she felt a prick in the side of her neck and everything went black.

A/N haha boss man is angy

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