Chapter Thirty-One

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Jay had been relatively okay up until the point where the gemstone managed to impersonate her voice and kept attempting to disguise itself as her thoughts, which was not only incredibly hard to fight, but extremely annoying.
Jay had figured out how to put a sort of mental barrier, but the gemstone was unpredictable and she was starting to wonder if she was actually safe or if it was only a matter of time until-
No. Stop. That's what it wants me to think. Stevie will save me, I'm sure of it.
At first, Jay wasn't sure how Kate blamed the gemstone for almost all of her decisions. For Jay, it was simple; Just fight it. Although, the more time that passed, the more Jay's mental health dropped. Fighting off the gemstone was mentally draining and really, really hard.
On the bright side, however, her memories had started to become a bit clearer, although they weren't say the least.
"How long has it been?" Jay asked, not expecting an answer.
"I don't know, I can't figure it out because SOMEONE told their friends to quarantine the gemstone." Kate growled.
"I don't regret anything." Jay huffed. "I didn't mean that. Don't you have, like, a watch or something?"
"No." Kate scowled. "I don't see where you'd expecting me to get one of those, since I've been trapped in a gemstone for the last-"
"Alright, I get it." Jay rolled her eyes. " don't know how long it's been? At all?"
"It's been a long time." Kate growled. "There, are you happy?"
"No." Jay said. "I'd be happy if you'd let me go."
"Oh, trust me, if I could I would." Kate growled, crossing her answer.
"Hey! What did I ever do to you that wasn't within reason?" Jay asked.
"Try to save me and get yourself stuck here." Kate fired back.
"You're the one who got me stuck here!" Jay retorted, frustrated.
"I know, and that's why I'm so mad about it!" Kate grumbled.
"What do you have against me?" Jay asked. "What, are you jealous?"
"No, that's just what the gemstone told you." Kate huffed.
Jay realized that she was right. "Hmmm." She frowned. "But...are you?"
"NO!" Kate snapped. "Stop saying I'm jealous, I'm not!"
"I don't see why you'd be jealous." Jay continued. "It's not that great."
"That's what you say." Kate said under her breath. "You probably had a great dad."
"Actually..." Jay narrowed her eyes. "It's really fuzzy, dad left. When I was, uh...really young. Three or four, I think."
Kate was silent for a moment. "Oh...I'm sorry."
"Happens, apparently." Jay hummed. "Either way, I wouldn't consider the gemstone the greatest parent. It's just using you."
"No, it isn't." Kate crossed her arms. "I need it!"
"You'll survive without it." Jay said. "Could you say the same for the gemstone?"
Kate was silent.
"Just some food for thought." Jay continued, sitting back.

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