Chapter Eighteen

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Kate was holding a frame in her small hands. It held a picture of a stout girl with ebony hair and bright blue eyes attempting to ruffle a tall, green-eyed boy's brown hair.

Kate brushed her tiny fingers over the short girl's picture. "I miss you, mom." She whispered.

"Kate!" Her father called, "Hurry, I want to show you the quarry!"

"Oh!" Kate hopped to her feet. "Okay!"

Kate's father had decided to take her to the quarry. She didn't get why he didn't take her older brothers or half-sister, but she didn't complain.

"See down there?" Her father crouched beside her and pointed into a hole. She squinted, vaguely aware of a green-teal glow somewhere down there.

"Woah!" Kate's eyed widened. "That was mum's favorite color!"

Her father nodded. "Indeed."

Kate smiled. "Wow.."

Kate's father leaned back from the edge. "Careful, there. Remember, you're watching, not helping as much."

"Aww, okay." Kate blinked. "But I can help a lil bit, right?"

"Of course." Kate's father hummed, though he wouldn't meet her gaze.

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