Chapter Ten

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Stevie and Jay followed Al as they headed down a corridor, towards a small door.

"So, care to tell me why you've been so polite to Al?" Stevie asked.

"Have not." Jay glanced down at her and Stevie paused for a moment. Jay's eyes were the same green-teal as the gemstone...

Jay kept walking and Stevie had to hurry to catch up.

"Care to tell me what happened after you provoked Al?" Stevie asked quietly.

"No." Jay said simply.

"At least explain the 'already have' thing. Please tell me you haven't killed anybody."

"You can talk to The Boss about that one." Jay hummed. Stevie frowned. "Something's wrong."

Jay shrugged and kept walking.

"You're, uh.." Stevie blinked. "Your eyes changed."

Jay's expression went from neutral to shocked. "Oh?"

"Yeah." Stevie crossed her arms.

"Hmm" Jay focused ahead of them and her expression neutralized again. Stevie huffed, annoyed.

Finally, they got to the door. Al opened the door and inside, A short girl with a blue sweater and lighter sweatpants was standing in front of a mirror. She had short, brown, almost black hair that fell over her back. She was pale and had a hairband around her wrist and looked like she was trying to put up her hair. She yelped and spun around. Her eyes were a bright red color, redder than Stevie's. She had a chain around her neck with a gem that matched her eyes.

"Al!" She barked. "What did I say about taking random strangers into my room at four in the morning?"

"I haven't taken anyone into your room," Al laughed, "Never the less at four in the morning."

The girl, who Stevie assumed was Kate, crissed her arms. "Touche. What's up?"

"You're Kate?" Jay asked.

"Hmm?" Kate blinked, surprised. "Yes, why?"

"Read this." Jay tossed the book on the desk.


"Just. Read it." Jay's voice was a low growl.

"You're not in place to be making demands here." Al reminded her calmly.

Jay's eyes narrowed but she didn't look at him.

Kate opened the journal and skimmed it. Conflicting emotions sprayed across her face and Stevie wasn't quite sure how he'd react, but she simply sat back and said, "Aww, not Jim. I liked Jim." Indifferently.

Stevie couldn't help herself. "You don't care?"

Kate ignored her. "What happened?"

Jay paused for a moment and Al decided to take that moment to step in.

"Well, it seems the room overheated." Al hummed. "I found the cameras attatched to the room; Jay went balistic."

"Shut up." Jay growed.

"No, you shut up." Al snapped back. "It is rude to interupt."

Jay scowled.

Al continued, "It was similar to, uh...the incident that occurred with experiment #10. She ended up knocking the weights over, and...well.."

"Hmm." Kate hummed, her gaze neutral.

Jay growled. "Call it off."

"What?" Kate hummed innocently.

"The experiments, everything. Call it off." Jay growled.

"Or what?" Al asked. "Trying to threaten us?"

"Shut." Kate pointed a finger at him. She turned to Jay. "Hmmm...I'll think about it."

"You should leave." Al growled.

Jay lifted her chin, spun around, and stormed off. Stevie followed, shocked.

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