Chapter Four

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When Jay awoke, she was in a larger, white padded room. Stevie was also in the room, shuffling. She was sitting with her legs criss-crossed and tail curled in front of her.

"What did they do?" Jay grumbled, trying to ignore a major headache.

Stevie shrugged. "They just put us in the room. I think they'll come back, though. They, uh...they have to, right?"

Jay shrugged. "They don't have to do anything."

Stevie paled.

Suddenly, Al stepped into the room. "Hello, ladies."

"Hi, Al." Jay said casually. Al frowned. "I go by 'The Boss', thank you."

"No thanks, Al." Jay crossed her arms. Stevie looked worried.

Al rolled his eyes. "I want to ask you a few questions. Put this on." He handed each of them a wristband.

"Hmm, why?" Jay studied the wristband.

"Just do it." Al growled. Jay had a feeling that he wasn't joking around, so she reluctantly put on the band.

"Okay, now I'm going to ask you a series of questions." Al said.

"Humph." Jay leaned back.

"Have you felt strange since the..experiment?" Al asked.

"A bit." Stevie confessed.

Jay's headache was pounding, but she settled for a "No."

The red light on her wristband flashed. "Wow, a lie detector. How fancy."

"Do you know or understand what happened?" Al asked.

"No." Stevie and Jay both said.

"Well," Al blinked. "It was a sort of...morality switch. From observing you, we gathered that of you two, Stevie, you had the best moral compass." He crossed his arms. "We wanted to see if it was possible to use your moral compass to boost Jay's, but the experiment went awry and now your moral compass is doubled while Jay's is...well, non-existant."

"Wow." Jay glared at him. "Thanks so much for that."

"So...what's going to happen?" Stevie asked, looking pale.

"So far, the only affect we've observed is that you can't directly lie, Stevie." Al blinked. "We'll be monitoring both of you, though." He went to the door, then glanced over his shoulder. "Oh-you'll be staying in living quarters with some of the other experiments from now on, by the way." And then he left.

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