Chapter Twenty-Five

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Jay gasped. She was...back?

She stepped out into the main lobby and was almost immediately swarmed by Stevie, Jordie, May, and Goose.

Stevie told Jay what Kate had told her and Jay frowned. "Well, that's a load of bullshit."

"What?" Jordie looked confused.

Jay smirked. "While you guys were working on saving me, I got some information on my own."

"I helped!" Kim chirped from across the room.

"Yeah, okay..." Jay blinked. "Anyways, Kate isn't actually the gemstone; the gemstone's a parasite of sorts. If we can get Kate out of the gem and then melt the gemstone, then we can save KAte."

"Why do you want to save her?" Jordie asked.

"Kim's attatched." Jay said flatly, pointing to Kim, who's face had flushed. "N-No!"

Stevie shrugged. "We have to find the old quarry, though."

"Yeah, and find something hot enough to melt the crystal." May hummed.

"I think I can scout for the old quarry." Goose volunteered.

Al, who Jay hadn't realized was there, stepped in. "And we have a heat containment unit-anything can go in there, no matter what heat. We have one with magma inside, because we were studying it-I could bring that."

"Okay, then." Jay said, a bit suspicious. "We need a plan, though."

"We do?" Stevie asked.

"Yes, Stevie." Jay sighed. "We do."

"Then let's start planning!" Steve declared.

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