Chapter Twenty-One

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Stevie winced as Adam and Kate collided and started angrily beating each other up. She, Goose, May, and Jordie carefully stepped around them and turned.

"Alright," Stevie said, "Let's go find all."


Jay was shocked as the vision faded and she was back in her headspace. "I...wasn't expecting that."

Kim ran up to Kate and hugged her. Kate's eyes widened, and she seemed stunned.

"You didn't deserve that." Kim hummed to her.

Kate's mouth opened and closed a few times before she shoved Kim away. "Get off me, please."

"I'm sorry that hbappened to you." Kate murmured.

"I am, too." Kate grumbled. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm busy."

"Uhh, I get that you're grumpy because your dad shoved you into a 90-foot hole, but I'm not sure that mind-controlling people is the answer to your problems." Jay said. "You're not going to get any consolation from that."

"Consolation." Kate spat. "You don't understand my motives, and you never will."

"That's mean." Kim pointed.

"I've done worse." Kate crossed her arms and turned away.

"You suck!" Jay shouted, angry.

Kate ignored her.

"Is this like, an addiction?" Jay asked.

"It's not an addiction." Kate growled.

" could stop at any time?" Jay asked.





"Stop asking questions." Kate snapped.

"I think you have an addiction." Jay hummed.

"Go away!" Kate rubbed her temples.

"I'll go away iiifff you let all of us go." Jay crossed her arms.

"Nice try."

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